Fallen's Attempt

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Rias: "You're almost there, just a few more feet," she says to a worn-out Issei climbing up a mountain path with a heavy backpack. 

Asia: "Rias, should I get some of those bags for him?" she asks a bit worried about Issei.

Rias: "He will be ok. He needs to learn to carry his own bags all on his own.

Issei soon gets passed by Kiba with a little bit bigger pack.

Kiba: "On your right"

Issei: "Really. Did they give you a bag of feathers or something?"

Koneko: "Move it," she says as she passes Issei with a massive bag and walking perfectly like it's nothing.

Issei looks down like he is in defeat in tell he hears the sound of wheels behind him. We find Demo pulling a big cart filled with supplies and training equipment. Also, Demo's first four Demo Dogs can be found sleeping on the chart as well.

Issei: "Why do they get a ride!?" he complains.

One of the Demodogs wakes up after hearing Issei and growls at him causing Issei to stagger back and fall down on his back. He soon gets back up.

Issei: "I hate this"

(Short Time Skip)

We are at a field next to this big house located on top of a mountain were Issei is standing off against Demo.

Rias: "Alright Issei, first you need o to learn to withstand or doge a strong blow from your opponent," she tells Issei as he stares at Demo with fear.

Issei: "Why can't we use Koneko for this?" he questions.

Akeno: "Because Demo is scarier then Konekoand you also need to not be scared of your opponent" she mentions with a Koneko next to her pouting.

Rias: "Alright, now... BEGIN!!" she yells

Demo makes the first move as he charges at Issei rushing him with his claws out and mouth opened realising a mighty roar. Issei scared for his life turns the other way and runs as fast as he can with Demo on his tail. As the chase goes on  Rias is found with her hand on her face with Koneko smirking next to her.

Kiba: "It's only day one. We still have time," he tries to ensure Rias.

Rias: "He didn't even try at all to stand his ground," she says with disappointment.

(Time Skip)

It's night time and Rias's peerage was around the dinner table where they were having a potato fest. Issei figured out how to peel potatoes with magic and accidentally peel too many. As they were eating Demo was out hunting for some food for him and his pack. 

As he walked throughout the forest searching for an animal to eat along for his pack. Demo came upon a clearing where he found a deer. Demo set down a portal in case he needs to call his pack for help. Demo gets down on all fours and begins to sneak his way to the unexpecting deer. Only a few meters away Demo was about to pounce when a light spear files down out of now where and exploded when hat impact on the ground. This caused the deer to run and Demo to fly back from the unexpected attack.

When the smoke cleared and Demo got back onto his feet his look up into the sky to find some fallen angels souring in the sky with smirks on there faces. There are about ten fallen all with light spears in their hands ready to throw.

Fallen: "So this is a Demogorgon?" she questions.

Fallen 2: "Yes. Hold your power. Boss wants him alive," he tells the group.

Demo let out a loud roar for help knowing that he can't take them all on at once.

Fallen 3: "Let's hurry this up," he says impatiently.

All ten of the fallen then threw all their light spears at Demo. Demo tried to doge in time but was to late as all the spears either collided on him or near him causing explosions knocking him back. Demo now on the ground with scorch marks and cuts from the explosion.  Now on the ground lifting his body up and looking at the fallen who have now landed and walk up to the down and injured Demo.

Fallen: "We got him," she says very excitedly.

Fallen 4: "Let's tie him up and get him back to base".

As one of the fallen starts making his way to Demo with chains and rope when suddenly two of Demo's four Demodogs that came with him jump in front of the fallen preventing them to get to Demo. As they try and protect there leader the fallen just stand there and laugh. 

Fallen 5: "hahaha. Really? That Demogorgon could not take us and they think they can? Hahahaha"

That laughter was cut short when they start to hear noises all around them. They look around trying to find the source when more Demodogs appear from the forest. Now surrounded the fallen crowd into a circle as the Demodogs start walking towards them. Demo now gets up onto his feet and looks at the now scared and crowded fallen. Demo then lets out a mighty roar opening his flower-like mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth. All the Demodogs then charge at the fallen and begin to eat them alive. All the fallen begin to scream in pain as their flesh gets eaten by the Demodogs.

All fallen now dead and being eaten by the Demodogs Rias's voice can be heard as Demo turns around and finds Rias and her peerage coming out of the forest along with the other two Demodogs that came with him.

Rias: "DEMO" she yells seeing all the marks that are all over him.

(Time skip)

After the event of the fallen Demo's wounds were bandaged up and Asia healed as much of them as she could. A few days have passed since then. Today's training was over for the group and the darkness of night covered the manor. Rias was located outside thinking about the raiding game between them and Riser but was manly thinking about being married. Her train of thought was broken when Demo comes up from behind her.

Rias: "Oh, hi Demo" she says in a depressing tone.

Demo knows what's troubling her and places one of his clawed hands on her shoulder to give her comfort. This calms down Rias a bit knowing one of her best friends is her with her.

Rias: "Thanks Demo, we should get some sleep, we still have a lot of training to do tomorrow," she mentions.

As Rias gets up she and Demo both walk into the manor and through the hallways. They both reach Rias's room and enter. Rias gets ready for bed and Demo lays down next to the bed getting comfy. Rias finishes up and walks up and gets into the bed and wishes Demo a goodnight. They both drifted off to sleep and wait for the new day to begin, but something lurching in the shadows was listening and watching them. Not from there world but a diffrent reality.  

Rias's Pet and Protector (Demogorgon and Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now