The Start of a Pack.

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It was the day after the encounter with Freed and the Nun named Asia and it was also Saturday morning so every student was outgoing around town or spending time at home, but for the ORC, they are all in the club room apart from Issei who is out in town doing some training or was doing training when he ran into Asia to where he is spending the day with her. In the club room, you can find Koneko sitting on the couch working on a project with Kiba helping her out. Akeno can be found reading a book. Finally, Rias was getting ready to leave and go through the forest along with Demo. They haven't taken a walk since she was in the underworld.

Rias had finished getting ready and walked came out of one of the rooms as Demo came and walked a bit behind her. Rias was about to exit the club room with Demo when Kiba spoke up.

Kiba: "Where are you heading prez?" he asked as everyone stops what they are doing and looking at Rias.

Rias: "I am going to go take a walk throughout the forest with Demo."

Akeno: "Alright then. We won't hold you here so go on and enjoy your walk" she says with a smile.

Rias: "Thank you. Goodbye everyone" she says as she and Demo leave the club room.

Rias and Demo exit the clubhouse and head into the forest behind the clubhouse and enter the forest to where they will start there walk. They walk through the forest for about an hour or two enjoying the moment as they walk along through the trees with the birds singing their songs and the animals going around. The blue sky going over them.
Some time has passed and they both suddenly stop. The forest fell quiet. Too quiet. No sigh of wildlife going through the forest. The birds are not singing and the once blue sky has turned purple.

Rias: "Fallen," she says as she gets into a fighting stance.

Demo got on all fours and got ready to pounce at any that came across them. A few seconds have past and about five Fallen Angels sore down from the with there black wings.

Fallen 1: "Look what we have here. A stupid Devil has wounder in our mites along with her familiar"

Fallen 2: "You sure that's a familiar? Never seen one like that."

Fallen 3: "Does it matter? Let's just kill them and head back"

Fallen 4: "Agreed"

Fallen 5: "Well, time to die!!"

They form light spears and throw them at Rias and Demo. Rias doges some light spears as Demo pounces at the angels dogging light spears at the same time. Demo tackles one of the Fallen and tears of the Fallen's arm.

Fallen 5: "AAAAHHHHH"

After seeing the Demogorgon tears of there comrade's arm two of the fallen go to help their friend while the other two fight Rias. The two that went to help their comrade trows two light spears at Demo. One got deflected Demo swatting it away but the second one hits Demo in the back as Demo screams out in pain from the spear that is now sticking out of his back. Demo gets off of the fallen angel and reels back a bit. As the Fallen gets up missing his arm heads to the two.

Fallen 1: "Got him" she yelled

Demo looks up at the three and then uses hit right long arm to reach the light spear lunged in his back. He grabs hold of the spears and takes it out wand held it in front of him. Demo then clenched his hands breaking the light spear ad it disappears into nothing. The three fallen then looked at the Demogorgon with shock as he took out the spear and crushed it. 

Fallen 3: "W.w.what!?"

Demo looks back at the three and opens his mouth to let a terrifying roar scaring the 3 as they see the Demogorgons face opens up revealing rows of sharp teeth on each peddles like mouth. 

Rias's Pet and Protector (Demogorgon and Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now