Gotta save time where I can.

I found five armed officers when I moved up the level, making me roll my eyes.

"Fine, hard way it is." I groaned, and sent air their way, making them all lose balance before they could shoot at me.

Two men stood up, and tried to shoot me, but I set a few chairs on fire, sending them flying at the men who screamed and ducked out of the way.

While they were distracted, I ran past them, and saw a main door beginning to shut, and I knew I didn't have time to slide under it.

I pushed a huge blast of air at it, causing it to break off the hinges and fly at whoever was standing behind it, another three men getting crushed underneath the weight of the door.

"God why is this facility so big!" I yelled in frustration, and pushed myself up another level with wind.

"Oh, hey Ross." I said, and Ross turned around to look at me, absolutely infuriated.

"Get back in your cell." He ordered, and I shook my head.

"No can do, boss." I shrugged, and welded the door shut with fire, so he couldn't get out.

Ross started banging on the door, and I chuckled.

"Sorry, Ross. They'll get you out when I'm gone." I said, walking over to the cabinet where they held my stuff.

I grabbed my phone and my suit, but left the rest.

I quickly ran up a ramp to the final level, where there were five men.

"Hey guys. Ross said I'm good to go, could you open the hatch for me?" I asked, and one man pressed the button, but got hit over the head by someone else.

"No she didn't!"

"Guessing you're new?" I asked the man who hit the button, and he nodded.

"Sorry about this, then. No hard feelings." I shrugged, and pushed them all off the floor with another wave of wind, but made sure they landed safely but making them float down the last floor.

Once we'd risen above sea level, the hatch opened, making me grin to myself.

"I'm the best." I said, jumping onto the edge and looking at the wide ocean around me.

I quickly slid my jumpsuit off, pulling my pants, crop top and jacket back on, feeling good again.

I sent a small amount of water down into the prison, hitting the button to send the prison back below water.

Once it had been pushed underwater, I stepped on the ocean, maneuvering the water underneath me to keep me ontop of it.

I checked my texts and saw one from Tony, giving me his location.

'Incase you break out baby, come here.'

I smirked to myself, and started skating over the ocean to get to Tony.

Call me Elsa.

"Friday?" I asked my phone, knowing Tony programmed her to answer me.

"Welcome back from captivity, Miss Harper, what can I do for you?"

"Can you see my location?" I asked, and Friday answered straight away.

"Of course, Miss Harper."

"Can you see Tony's?" I asked, realising already that was a stupid question.


"Fantastic. Can you direct me to Tony? As quickly as possible please." I said, feel triumphant as ever.

Make Me. ~ T.Stark Where stories live. Discover now