"Roughly," Harry replied.

"You'll need to see a healer soon. And I should consult the Elders...I'm woefully uneducated about these situations regarding vampires and humans. And you should probably be introduced to the Elders as well..." Thoughts swirled around Severus's mind faster than he could comprehend.

"Sev?" He looked up, worried at the sudden concern he heard in Harry's voice. "Sev, calm down. Do you think you're able to handle anyone seeing me?" Surprisingly, the answer was without a doubt.

"Of course you'll have to see others. You need to see a healer and I have to introduce you to the Elders before you're allowed to see anyone else again. We have to have their blessing to reintroduce you into society after being all mine. And you'll need your friends and family to support you, of course. I'm sure Hermione would be nothing but helpful to have around with all the research that woman can do in short periods of time. Then there's the healers and-"

"Sev!" Harry rarely interrupted him, so he shut his mouth promptly. "Relax, alright? I'm perfectly fine, we've plenty of time!" Severus nodded and placed his cheek against Harry's stomach.

"I love you both, so very very much." He looked up, only to get caught in Harry's gaze once more.

"And we love you, so very very much."

Turns out, setting up a meeting with the Elders was incredibly fast and easy to do when one's Claimed was pregnant. Severus knew it was rare for vampires to claim humans-most human Chosen would prefer to be turned before the Claiming happened to avoid any complications-but apparently it was even rarer for vampires to father a child. The Elders were making a trip to them to prevent any outbursts of possessiveness Severus may have.

They arrived the next day.

"Severus, it's been too long!" He bowed to the portly vampire with sandy hair that led the group up the steps to their door.

"Elder Baxter, it hasn't been that long since I've seen you last. I see you've brought the entire group," Severus hadn't been expecting all eleven of them. He had thought only two or three would be intrigued enough to make the travels.

"Of course we did! You've got quite the amazing situation on your hands you know! It's been nigh on three-or is it four?-centuries since a human Claimed has fallen pregnant. Pray tell, which potion have you used to face him with child?"

"We didn't use a potion." The entire group gasped, clearly yearning to know more. "Won't you all come in? I'm afraid Harry's still napping, but he should be up soon. I'm sure I can answer a lot of your questions in the meantime." They all made their way to the living room where extra armchairs were conjured and sat upon. Severus explained Harry's fascination with the elements and how he had called upon them during the Claiming. He tried to remain clinical about it, but a rather muscley man from the back of the room whistled.

"My, my...you must really love him if you're allowing your emotions to show so clearly. And you're sure you're alright with others seeing him? You've had no issues imagining him out and with his family-his friends?"

Severus smiled at that. If he was going to go soft, it may as well be because Harry was carrying his child.

"I've imagined it and have had no issues. Of course, with his status in the Wizarding World, I am quite against him going out in public places such as Diagon Alley but I have no qualms against his family or friends seeing him. He'll need a support system and he'll want to share his pregnancy with them as well." They all looked impressed, and to be frank Severus was impressed with himself. He had truly thought that the idea of Harry going and seeing anyone this soon would turn his stomach but instead he felt a twinge of anticipation to see the looks on people's faces when they saw Harry swollen with child and hanging off his arm.

He heard the bathroom door to their master bedroom shut and stood.

"Gentlemen, I believe my Claimed has woken up from his nap. I'll be back with him shortly." The Elders talked amongst themselves as Severus turned to fetch Harry.

Harry found that even though he was incredibly nervous to meet several new vampires, he felt much calmer if he was touching Severus. If anyone had noticed that, they didn't mention it.

The two asked dozens of questions, most of which the Elders didn't have many answers for. But when Harry asked if they approved of Severus's choice with him, he was met with a resounding affirmative.

He had blushed and fought the urge to hide his face in Severus's chest.

"Well Severus, we are so happy to have seen you two doing so well. You've handled us being here beautifully! And Harry, you'll be plumper than a peach in short order with that lovely little life nestled away in you. I'm afraid we must return to our homes, though." Harry stopped them before they could go too far.

"Before you leave, would you like to hear me play?" He motioned to the upright piano in the corner of the room.

"We'd love to!" Harry practically beamed and sat down on the bench.

"Sev?" He patted the spot next to him and Severus sat down. "Play with me," he whispered. He waited for Harry to start playing at the higher end and joined seamlessly.

They improvised for a few minutes, letting the song rise and fall with ease. When the notes faded away, they were met with applause and congratulated on the performance.

"You two work together beautifully. We'll see ourselves out gentlemen!" The Elders left with haste and finally, finally they were alone in their house.


"Yes, my Harry?"

"Now that they're gone, could you fuck me into the couch?" Severus smiled, wrapping his arms around Harry's shoulders.

"I suppose I might be convinced."

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