Chapter 16

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Harry gathered himself enough to realize he wasn't going to get much else done in the garden before lunch so he hauled himself up and made himself an early lunch in a daze.

"Harry, is everything alright? You seem a bit out of sorts." Harry shook himself out of his stupor and smiled at him.

"I'm just happy I can write to Hermione again. I didn't realize how much I missed her point of view. You know she's worried about wrinkles? At her age? It's outrageous!" Harry finished eating and was rinsing off the plate he used when Severus's hands found their way to his chest. Smiling, Harry leaned back and tilted his head. "Hungry?"

"For you?" Severus's voice rumbled, making Harry tremble with desire. "Always." Lips kissed down his neck and over his shoulder before they traveled back up to just under his jaw. A light nip grazed his skin, drawing a faint hint of blood. Harry barely felt the fangs break his skin, but he did feel the rush of arousal as his blood was drawn out. His tongue dragged across his neck and Harry grabbed one of Severus's hands before placing it over the growing hardness in his pants.

"Sev, please. I need you." Severus chuckled and easily undid his pants before wrapping his fingers around his length. Harry keened.

"What is it you want, little one?" He gasped. "You look rather empty." A finger pushed his trousers down and trailed over his now-bare crack. A part of Harry's mind recognized that he was babbling, but he stopped caring when the finger entered him.

"Plea-Sev, more. Please, need you..." Before he knew it, Severus breached him. "F-fuck me Sev! Harder!" Severus growled and happily obliged until the two of them were spent.

"Better, little one?" Harry nodded, whimpering as Severus slipped from him.

When he opened his eyes again, he was draped over Severus's chest on the couch. He got up and went back to the garden since he never got the chance to finish weeding.

As he worked, he thought about what Hermione had said. Fertility potions could, apparently, get men pregnant. But he hadn't been taking any potions since Severus claimed him.

They certainly had enough sex, though. And if past experience was anything to go by, Harry tended to be the exception to the rule. Maybe it was time to figure out how owl orders worked...

"Severus?" The man in question looked up from his potions journal and opened his arms for Harry to join him. "I was wondering how owl orders work. I've heard about it but I've never done it." Strong arms wrapped around him and he melted in the embrace.

"All you have to do is send a letter to whatever store you'd like to order from and they'll send back a catalogue with prices. Then you just write down what you'd like and enclose the money for it. Usually if you know what you're looking for it takes about a day or so depending on how far you are from the store you're purchasing from. Was there anything you wanted in particular?"

"I was hoping to get some books. I'm starting to think that Hermione might lay into me if she finds out I'm not attempting to learn anything while we're sequestered away." Severus chuckled before summoning a scroll of parchment.

"Here you are, Harry. I've been asked to brew a batch of Skele-Gro for Hogwarts, if you need anything just let me know." Severus stood and made his way to the cellar to start brewing. Harry opened the scroll and skimmed down to the miscellaneous section. He placed an order for 'The Guide to Male Pregnancy' and 'Cooking Through the Ages'.

He was surprised when he woke up from his nap to see the books he ordered sitting on the coffee table. Grabbing the pregnancy book, Harry went out to the garden and hunkered down to read.

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