My heart is literally melting at the sight of her. She was the cutest little girl i've ever seen in my life

"Did we wake you?" Ace said softly, stooping down to her level 

She replied by nodding her head lightly followed by a stretch and a yawn

"And I was having a good dream too," she pouted

"Yea? What was it about?" Ace smiled at her

"I was in a world with ice cream and chocolate and all my favorite foods," she smiled lightly

"Was it chocolate ice cream or was it cookie s and cream,"

"Both," she held up two fingers, a wide smile spreading across her face, her tiny dimples popping out

As if just noticing me, she looked in my direction, squinting her eyes

"Who's she,"

"She's my friend, she's going to be staying here for a bit," he turned to look at me then back at her


"There's a bad man after her so I brought her here to keep her safe,"  

"Oh no," she said running up to me and climbing up on the bed

"Don't worry, you'll be safe here," she wrapped her tiny arms round my neck, hugging me. My arms automatically going to hug her back

I looked at Ace to see a slight smile on his face causing a small smile to appear on my lips

"Your hair is soft," she pulled away from the hug

"Thank you," I smiled at her

She nodded then sat on the bed beside me, swinging her legs. Not long after Ace decided to sit beside her

"So what do you want to do now?" he asked her

"I don't know, i'm bored and I kinda want ice cream but I also feel for KFC," she stared at her swinging feet

"We don't have KFC but there is ice cream in the freezer. I made sure to restock,"

"Then what are we waiting for," she hopped off the bed, smiling at us then running out the room

"Can I adopt her?" I laughed, turning to Ace, practically forgetting about our little argument earlier

"I'm afraid not. Mom and dad would KILL me. And added to that she's way too mature for her age. You'll see later on" he smiled walking out the door as I trailed behind him

When we reached the kitchen she was already standing on a chair to take the ice cream out of the freezer

"No, that's dangerous. We spoke about this already," Ace said taking her off of the chair and placing her on the floor

"I'm not a kid you know," she pouted, folding her arms

"Well you're not grown either," he took the ice cream from the freezer

She mumbled something under her breath before climbing up on a stool around the marble island counter

"What did you say?" Ace raised a brow at her

"Nothing," she quickly said

"That's what I thought," he placed a bowl of ice cream in front of her her, her face instantly lighting up

It took no time for her to begin devouring the ice cream. It was was weird how she held the spoon, yet cute at the same time

"Want some?" she held out the spoon to me with some ice cream on it which I happily ate

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