Clone fight pt. 2

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[The house]

     Gumball and Carrie stood before the Clone Gumdrop. Gumball had his sword Varric in hand and Carrie was assisting Nyxia and Dahlia in healing the injured siblings.

     "Mom..." Stormy weakly groaned in a slightly joyous tone.

     She had a small bit of blood leaking out of her mouth, and multiple scratches covered her body.

     "I'm here baby. Stay still... I need to heal you." Carrie stated with a tear in her eye.

     "Nyxia..." Carbon weakly stated. He coughed up blood, and is wound was worsening. Blood gushed out his thigh wound and blood gushed out his nose.

     "Carbon. Hold still. This will sting." Nyxia stated. She pulled out a potion and poured the purple liquid in his wound.

     Carbon loudly groaned in pain, as the wound started to regenerate on it's own. She hugged Carbon tightly.

"Hold on Marissa. This will hurt." Dahlia stated while spraying a potion formula on Marissa. Marissa had a dislocated shoulder and open cut on her hand.

Marissa groaned in pain as her wounds where also regenerating. However her shoulder did not regenerate as it was not a flesh wound.

Dahlia saw this, and she quickly gripped Marissa's shoulder.

"Marissa This will hurt like hell.." She bluntly stated. But Before Marissa could even respond she felt a excruciating pain in her shoulder and loud popping sound.

Marissa cried out in pain as tears formed in her eyes. Dahlia hugged Marissa and gave her a painkiller.

"Okay. Who's next?" Dahlia stated while walking towards her other siblings.

"My, My. Mr. Watterson. You picked a fine wife." The clone stated in a cocky tone.

Gumball was angered. He gritted his teeth and a Aura started to form around him. He made growling sounds as Varric began to glow.

"You will pay for this!" Gumball stated in rage. He then unleashed a slash of energy towards the clone which blew the clone back.

A cut mark appeared on the clone's chest as the clone laid on the ground.

Gumball then jumped from the house and unleashed a downwards slash to the clone.

However, the clone sat up and dodged the slash by jumping out of the way.

The slash created a slash mark on the ground as debris flew everywhere. A cloud of smoke appeared blinding the clone of Gumball's presence.

However, the clone was taken off guard by Gumball charging out of the smoke cloud and unleashing a piecing strike to clone.

[It seems I may have underestimated you Gumball Watterson. I guess I'll have to use this.]
The clone thought while seeing Gumball charging at him.

The clone made a fist and a red aura covered it's hand. It unleashed a blow with a glowing red arc to the charging Gumball which created a shockwave that blew debris in every direction.

The ground started to crack and multiple fissions started to appear And a giant smoke cloud formed.

Gumball was blown back into a tree. The tree cracked due to force of the impact and blood gushed and leaked out of Gumball's mouth.

"Master Gumball are you alright!?"Varric asked Gumball in panic.

Gumball spit out blood and stood up. His conscious was hazzy, and he had trouble standing up correctly.

"It hurts. It feels as if every bone in my body is broken." Gumball weakly responded to Varric.

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