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[Simi-8's Base] [Wednesday 12:34 P.M]

     "Are you sure we should have sent him in. You know how the last guy ended up." Jockey stated while taking a sip of coffee.

He was gazing at a screen showing a clip of the Watterson's house.

"Yes Jockey. We need to see more of Gumdrop's power. And what better way to bring it out to put him against his Himself."

The boss responded while holding up a glass of wine. The room itself was quiet, and very dark.

"The clone was constructed from Gumdrop Watterson's genes, since Gumdrop is about 56 miles from his house, the clone will ravage his family."

The boss added. Earning a slight glance from Jockey.

"Plus, the clone is too strong for those fools. Even if they use their powers they can't come close to hurting the clone."

The boss explained, while showing a toothy grin of evil. Silence flooded the room once again. The lights flickered.

The silence was broken by the telephone going off. The loud and upbeat song played alarming Jockey and the boss that someone was calling.

"Now this is pretty weird. Last time I checked the cellphone lines of the Simi-8s where not available to the public and where completely unknown to the FFC corporation."

The boss stated while picking up the phone and putting it to they're ear.


The boss stated curiously. But his expression soon changed to fear.

"Hello UraXor. This is Lucy Simian. I am officially coming back to take my place as leader. So please prepare because once I'm here you're never going to believe my plans..."

The person know reveled as UraXor dropped the phone.

"Who was it?" Jockey asked while crossing his arms.

"She's.... She's coming back..." UraXor responded in fear. Sweat started to bead of his body.

Earning a gasp from Jockey.

[The house]

The phone rang in the room where the sisters where at. The loud song played and alarmed the sisters that someone was calling.

Stormy looked at the night stand. And looked back at her Siblings.

"I'll get it." Stormy bluntly stated, while picking up the phone.

     "I'll answer the door. Gumdrop needs a good explanation for why he's coming so late. After all it's 1 in the morning."

     Skye stated while walking towards the door to the room.

     "Hello?" Stormy stated while raising an eyebrow.

     "Hey Stormy." A feminine voice called out from the phone. It was Carrie.

     "Hey Mom! What's up?" Stormy stated, while smile towards her siblings.

     "We're about to arrive home. You're dad and I have been doing extra business to help our family. So to get too the point we're going to be there in a hour."

     Carrie responded, earning a cheer of happiness from Stormy.

     "Also one thing. You're older sisters Dahlia, and Nyxia are coming home with us so expect company."

     Carrie stated, earning a joyful cheer from Stormy.

     "Okay mom! Have a safe trip home." Stormy stated while ending the phone call.

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