Luciel and Daina

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Support C

Luciel: (Ah, it seems there's someone else on the training grounds)

Daina: *shooting arrows*

Luciel: (I'm sure she won't mind) *keeps walking*

Daina: *notices her presence and watches her walk by*

Luciel: (Oh dear, it seems I might've distracted her before I even tried training)

Daina: *smiles* Hey there, you're the new girl right?

Luciel: Yes that is me, Luciel.

Daina: *puts arrow back in quiver and walks up to her, then extends hands out* Daina, Sniper.

Luciel: *shakes her hand* Paladin. Nice to formally meet you. It's not like we get to know each other much while in battle, heh.

Daina: If you have some time, we can talk.

Luciel: You sure I'm not interrupting?

Daina: Oh, of course not. I've been practicing for an hour or so.

Luciel: What would you like to know?

Daina: Tell me about yourself. It's not everyday we have a *second* mysterious person accepted into this camp.

Luciel: Well, this is my first time in an army, and in another kingdom that's not Nohr. I have a mom, dad, a younger brother, and a younger sister.

Daina: Ooh~ I'm an only child. What's having siblings like?

Luciel: Well, sometimes it's really fun, because you help them learn and they're like sponges, and they're really cute. They like getting in even the smallest crevices and running around and making messes and sometimes it's really exhausting. But it's worth it, because you get to watch them grow, spend time together, and you have each other's backs.

Daina: wow, that sounds cool! You must really love your siblings, being an older sis sounds fun!

Luciel: It is, though it's a lot of responsibility. I don't mind though.

Daina: Although, I don't have siblings I always spent time with my cousins. As the oldest I can kind of relate. When I get married, I'm going to have more than one kid, so they can have the sibling experience. The more the merrier!

Luciel and Daina attained support level C

Support B

Daina: Hey, nice to bump into each other again!

Luciel: Oh, hello.

Daina: How're you finding everything? The camp, the people, the war, the food?

Luciel: *chuckles* Everything is quite alright, miss.

Daina: You're always so formal. Loosen up a bit, yeah?

Luciel: *nervous smile* I can try.  It still feels awkward here.

Daina: Well, you'll be here for a long time, so they'll get over it.

Luciel: Actually, I've been wondering. Why exactly did you join the Shepherds?

Daina: Pretty simple actually, I thought it'd be interesting.

Luciel: Really? That's it? Nothing like "I've trained for this" or "I'm following in my parents footsteps?"?

Daina: Nope! I didn't really need to train for it, I've done archery since a teen. Now it's archery but with people around me, and magic, and trying not to die, and fighting alongside others. It's a big difference, but growing up by nature has trained me to be aware of my surroundings.

Luciel: You were raised by nature? Why, you seem like a city girl.

Daina: *thoughtful smile* I visited the city quite often actually. Especially to visit my cousins. Ooh, I'd love to tell you all about it, but it seems it's lunchtime. I'll tell you later, 'kay?

Luciel: Already? Ok.*smiles* Yeah sure, sounds good!

Luciel and Daina attained support level B

Support A

Luciel: Sorry, for the wait. I was helping Chrom with some tasks- Daina?

Daina: *hangs upside down from a branch* I'm here.

Luciel: Oh! I didn't see you.

Daina: Heh heh, I realized you couldn't see me much through the leaves. *Gets down* Now where was I? Oh yes! I have four cousins, two boys and two girls. And we always had fun. Shopping with the girls is always the best! Ooh! Maybe after this war we'll go shopping again! *claps*

Luciel: Shopping after the war, huh? That sounds peaceful.

Daina: Our parents also trained us in self defense, so we'd spar too. Sometimes for fun, sometimes to test our strength. I'm the strongest out of the girls.

Luciel: Really now?

Daina: Yep! We did all the normal cousin activities too, of course. Play sword fighting and shopping were my favorites!

Luciel: I played a lot with my younger siblings, as well. Since I'm not that much older than them I stayed home most of the time.

Daina: Aww, so cute! What're planning to do after the war?

Luciel: Well assuming I'm able to be back to my world, I'm going to run back home. Hopefully my parents are there as well. I'd love to see everyone!

Daina: Yeah, I hope you do. *giggles* Family's the best ain't it.

Luciel: Sure is.

Daina: You won't forget us, right?

Luciel: How could I? I mean it's a whole war. *laughs*

Daina: *nervous smile* Yes, yes you're quite right. How about when we have the we go shopping. Then, you'll have some cute outfits to show off at home!

Luciel: *nods* Sure! That sounds like a great idea!

Daina: And maybe we could something for your siblings too! I'm sure we could find some cute hats, or shoes, or *continues ranting*

Luciel and Daina attained support level A

My second support is finally finished! I hope y'all enjoyed this one, I definitely thought it was cute. Next Support will focus on Georgan and Daina, which will have the first S Support!

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