Daina and Georgan

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Support C
Georgan: All right, I think I'm all prepared. *goes outside in a swim trunks* Time to go to my favorite sun bathing spot. Oh, Is that Daina?

Daina: *spacing out*

Georgan: Eh, she looks busy. *walks past her*

Daina: *snaps out of it when she sees Georgan walking past and blushes* W-w-whoa, what're you doing half naked?!

Daina: I'm going sunbathing. It's how I relax. I like getting a tan from time to time.

Daina: *calms down* O-oh, I see.

Georgan: What were you up to? You were thinking real hard there.

Daina: I was thinking of battle tactics and forms we could do. We've been battling side-by
-side recently, so it'd be beneficial to utilize our strengths and work around our weaknesses. I suggest you do the same.

Georgan: Guess I'll have something to think about while I tan. I'll let you know if I think of something!

Daina: Mm.

Daina and Georgan attained support level C

Support B

Georgan: *approaches Daina* I've come up with something!

Daina: *brings her attention to him* Yeah? 

Georgan: Since I'm short range and you're long range, why don't I be the lead assailant and you provide backup? While I'm doing the heavy hits, you can provide support from farther away. That would also allow sneak attacks and you won't have to worry about distance disadvantages. 

Daina: Yeah, you're right. That would especially be good against other long range enemies too. Even if you're in a tight spot I could easily attack before they get the chance to harm you. I like it.

Georgan: Okay! That's the plan, then. We should try it next battle.

Daina: Alright.

Georgan: While we're on the topic of battle, would you mind telling me how you became such a skilled archer? From what I know, you weren't particularly trained for combat.

Daina: Archery was originally a hobby. Later, when I was experienced enough I decided to use it for hunting. I just kept at it and continued training, since I enjoyed it.  I hadn't needed to use it against people until I joined the Shepherds. It was still relatively manageable, and throwing in the spontaneity of human nature makes it a good challenge. 

Georgan: That's admirable! Though, I do have to wonder how you can kill so easily. While I'd love to be a renowned warrior who women swoon over, originally even the thought of death made me squeamish.

Daina: I don't think too much about it really. The enemy needs to be taken down and there's all that's to it. 

Georgan: Wow..... You're pretty cool.

Daina: Cool? No one's ever called me that...Really, it's simple. You have to be ready to kill the enemy, because the enemy is ready to kill you.

Georgan: There you go saying cool things again! You're starting to make me fall for you~

Daina:..... Are you flirting with me?

Georgan: Yeah *wink*

Daina: Ok, now you're just weirding me out.

Georgan: Oh, come on I'm irresistible *smirk* H-Hey, where are you going?!

Daina and Georgan attained support level B

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