Luciel x Robin

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These Supports are for both Robins

Support C

Luciel: *sitting outside*

Robin: *spots Luciel* Fancy seeing you, Luciel.

Luciel: *looks up at Robin* Oh, hello.

Robin: I was just making my rounds, checking on the camp. You holding up okay?

Luciel: Yes, I'm starting to get used to everything. Besides that, it's pretty similar to my homeland.

Robin: That's good hear. Don't  be afraid to rely on me and the others.

Luciel: Ok.

Robin: I'll be seeing you around.

Luciel: See you around.

Luciel and Robin attained Support Level C

Support B

Robin: So, if I send them over here....

Luciel: Robin.

Robin: Oh, hello! I didn't hear you. What do you need?

Luciel: Are you busy right now?

Robin: I'm just running some ideas I have for the next battle.

Luciel: Perfect. I need to talk to you about our chemistry.

Robin: Chemistry? *confused look*

Luciel: I don't think this is working out.

Robin: We're not working out?

Luciel: Yes, and we need to make it work out. You're the Tactician, so I'm sure we can figure something out to make us click. If we're going to be partners we need to be able fight in sync.

Robin: (Maybe I've been misinterpreting...) You mean in battle, correct?

Luciel: Yes. What else?

Robin:*flustered* O-Oh nothing, just double checking.

Luciel: Perhaps if we did some bonding exercises we could understand each other more and perform better on the battlefield.

Robin: Hm, yes. That could work. I actually have a few ideas *starts writing them down*. I don't know how effective they'll be, but it never hurts to try! *hands the paper to Luciel*

Luciel:....... These are quite interesting. *hands it back*

Robin: We'll start on them tomorrow. What time works for you?

Luciel: Well, I'm always up early, so anytime.

Robin: Great! I'll try to finish this up so we can start at most by early afternoon *smiles*.

Luciel: *smiles back* Alright. See you around. 

Robin: I'll  be seeing you. 

Luciel and Robin attained Support Level B

Support A

Robin: Alright, we've done the morning jog, meditation, and strategy games. Now all that's left is tea time! 

Luciel: Tea really sounds good right now.

Robin: What's your favorite kind of tea, Luciel.

Luciel: My favorite? Hmmm.... I don't really have one. I just like whatever tastes good.

Robin: I see. I asked Maribelle for suggestions earlier. She said around this time we should try some green tea with a hint of lemon.

~time skip~

Luciel: This tea is rejuvenating *inhales the scent of the tea*.

Robin: Yes, it is. So, you think we've connected today?

Luciel: I believe so, though the battlefield will reveal the fruits of our labor. Whether it helped or not, I did enjoy spending today with you. *smiles*

Robin: Thank you! I did as well *grins*.

Luciel: As much as I want to return home, it's not too bad here. I want to enjoy my time here as much as I can.

Robin: I get what you mean. I don't remember much of my life, but now I've made so many allies and friends. I've made new memories to hold on to. I've been blessed to be found by the Shepherds.

Luciel: I hear you. I hope when I find a way home, I'll be able to find a way to visit. I will miss this world.

Luciel and Robin attained Support Level A

Thank you for reading! As the first Robin Supports I hope they were accurate. These were  enjoyable to write and I'm glad to have finally finished it. Next will be Robin x Georgan, which will have the first F!Robin S Support 👀.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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