"Peter, just pay her. You clearly need her more than she needs you. Stop being a dick about it." Blair complained once Peter stormed off the couch in an overdramatic nature - growing frustrated with the two girls and their demand for his money even though Blair was just trying to hurry up the process since Peter was only dragging it out with his overdramatics. Derek picking the piece of paper up from the table before ripping it up, deciding to pay her since Peter was taking too long to give Braeden an answer.

"We'll pay. Just find Kate, that's all we want." Derek finally agreed to Braeden's payment, Blair putting on her jacket as she offered to walk Braeden out since she needed to go to school anyway - she definitely couldn't afford to lose another day considering how much she already skipped in the school.

"So, you're a Hale now? Last time I was in town you went by Krasikeva." Braeden asked curiously as the two stood together in the elevator, Blair turning to her as she gave her a subtle smile since Blair was actually proud of her name change even if it did mean finally letting go of her last attachment to her sister.

"Derek adopted me," Blair explained to her, Braeden nodding at the explanation - adding it to a list of answers she was getting by being back in town, actually interested in the Hale family and their history since she knew that the family had a large attachment to the town of Beacon Hills and protect it. Braeden seeming to piece together everything that was happening by herself.


Blair was called by Stiles to come to school early so that she could go with him and Scott to their warm-up since the lacrosse tryouts were today, insisting that he wanted to see both of his best friends before their first day back to school together after everything that had happened. Blair catching them up on Peter and Derek's hunt for Kate Argent and how they had just hired Braeden to help them get to her faster.

Scott starting to share his worries to the two about how he was worried about losing his captain position of the lacrosse team since it was eating away at him - one of his only non-supernatural worries when it came to Beacon Hills. The only other worry that could top that was the concern he had over his relationship with the girl standing next to him.

"Of course you're still the team captain. You got your grades up just like Coach told you to, right?" Stiles asked Scott, Blair following behind Scott as she clutched her backpack against her back as she walked onto the lacrosse field with the two boys. Scott had been warned last time that if he didn't get his grades up he would be off the team but both of them knew that Scott had worked his ass off to raise his grades just like Coach wanted.

"Yeah, but he never told me I was back on the team. He just told me to show up at tryouts today." Scott explained to the two, worried that Coach was going to give his captain position to someone else since he wasn't directly clear about what was going to happen.

"I'm sure you'll be fine Scott, half this team can barely play lacrosse sometimes." Blair added to try and reassure Scott over his position, Stiles's mouth forming an 'o' as he immediately assumed that she was referring to him when she talked about the players who were bad at lacrosse since he knew he wasn't the best player on the team.

"Are you talking about me?" Stiles asked Blair as he pointed his finger towards his chest, Blair trying to hide her smile at his question considering she didn't even mean it as a direct insult towards Stiles. Blair deciding to go along with her teasing since everyone knew Stiles had a certain reputation of being one of the worst players on the lacrosse team.

"Well, if the shoe fits..." Blair trailed off as Stiles bumped her shoulder harshly in the response to her insult, Scott laughing quietly at the two as Stiles continued as he decided to ignore Blair's insult. Blair's lips curving into a smile at her ability to still annoy Stiles - glad that she hadn't lost that at least from the Valkyrie possessing her.

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