01 → first freshman captain

Start from the beginning

All Emma wanted to do was drop the subject, but Emma didn't want to complain about it and hurt Violet's feelings. Geez was Violet persistent though, not an hour went by before Violet hinted to Emma about joining the team.

"You do know that the school doesn't have feelings, right?" Violet pestered. "It's just a building." Emma lifted her hazel eyes to the field where Liam was catching every shot thrown at him, at his spot in goal. A proud smile danced onto her face as she watched her brother.

"I know that, but the students there have feelings. My old teammates do. You've seen Bring It On: All or Nothing right?" Emma questioned, she locked her green eyes onto Violet's chocolate brown. The chuckle that was once in Violet's throat turned into actual laughter.

"Yes of course I have," Violet says, her head turning to watch her boyfriend Garrett with a smirk.

"Well when Brittany moved to her new school, she swore that she would never cheer again. I'm kind of in that position," Emma explains, in her head, it made sense why she no longer wanted to play volleyball.

If Liam ever finds out that she turned down a full-ride scholarship, just so they could be together at the same school. Liam will feel unbelievable guilt because he was the reason why she wasn't given the best shot to a potential scholarship to whatever college that she desired. So when the question does come up, her answer will be that she doesn't want to play volleyball anymore. That's why she isn't joining the volleyball team here, to spare her brother's feelings, because he already has too much weight on his shoulders.

"Who made you promise?"  Violet questioned, her chin falling into her hand,

"Well — me — but one of my old teammates said that if she ever saw me on the other side of the net. That she might accidentally on purpose hit me" Emma rambled off, her old teammate did say that. Only as a joke though, and Emma thought it was funny. The blonde was only telling Violet that to hopefully get her off her back. Emma will join the team when she's ready, she has a couple more years left here. There is plenty of enough time for her to play Volleyball.

"I get it — I'll stop asking," Violet teased holding her hands up in defense. "I know you're doing it for your brother, Mason told me."

"Of course he did. I love Mason to death, but boy does he have loose lips" Emma commented. Mason record time so far for secrets, was about an hour. Emma's volleyball secret could be told to her friends, she was glad that Mason told her and probably Garrett, instead of Liam.

"Emaline Dunbar, you're too nice for this town" Violet replied, Emma sighed at the mention of her full name, funny enough it wasn't Mason who blabbed about her name.

When she was introduced to her new classmates, they read 'Emaline Dunbar' and Emma had to interrupt her teachers to tell them that she goes by Emma. Sorry to great-grandma Emaline — who she's named after — but she prefers to go by Emma a lot more.

"For this town?" Emma repeated that wasn't the usual saying. Emma's only heard 'for this world' but never 'for this town'. Emma's only lived and been around the upper-class side of Beacon Hills, not like anybody from that side of town was really nice either. If that side of town was full of meanies, what did this side of town hold?

"Yeah — it doesn't matter," Violet shrugged her shoulders, Liam and Garrett approached the two girls. Violet stood, she climbed down the bleachers to meet Garrett halfway. Violet pressed a kiss onto Garrett's lips, as Liam made his way up to his sister.

"Guess what!" Liam exclaimed with a bright smile on his face.

"What?" Emma quizzed after she bit into her apple.

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