twenty six; love fool

Start from the beginning

"How long was I out?" There was a part of Charlotte that hoped it had been a few weeks, just because she quite liked the attention. But that was only a tiny part.

"You've been asleep for two days."

She couldn't help the sigh of disappointment that left her lips at the news, "Well hardly sleeping beauty."

The pairs eyes met and despite the seriousness of the situation they both burst into laughter, after all someone did once say laughter is the best medicine.

The next few minutes were spent with Edward filling her in on what had happened when she passed out. How they didn't know where Victoria was but that they'd managed to successfully turn James to ash.

And that made Charlotte happy.

"Thank you. For this...... and everything else."  Charlotte was sat in front of a mirror, Rosalie stood behind her, curling wand in hand. Alice had practically forced her into doing it, which Charlotte was thankful for. She could do her own hair and makeup, but Alice had hoped it would be a good time of the two to bond, hopefully Rosalie and Charlotte could sort everything out.

"I'm surprised you let me."

"I trust you," The ginger shrugged, "You always look impeccable, so I just hope you'd make sure I do too." Charlotte would be the first to admit that she had the biggest crush on Rosalie, she might hate her but treat em mean keep em keen, right?

"I can't disagree with you there," The pair were in Charlotte's room, Alice had suggested they got ready there instead of at the Cullen house, that way April would be the first to see her in a prom dress and the two could talk without anyone listening in. "Why aren't you going with Edward?"

"Bella had no one else to go with." The girl felt bad that she wasn't going to prom with her own boyfriend, but she'd reasoned that she would still spend the whole night with him, she just wouldn't arrive with him. "I was supposed to be going with Ang but I managed to convince her to ask Eric. Then Bella was supposed to be going with Mike but they broke up. So then Bella was going with Jess, but Jess ended up being asked by Mike. So I'm now going with my future sister."

"Teenage drama," Rosalie's tone sounded almost sad, but Charlotte didn't know why. "Edward is going to die when he sees you."

A small laugh fell from Charlotte's mouth, she found the irony in Rosalie's words, "Are you not going?"

Rosalie smiled at Charlotte through the mirror "I've been to far many school dances."

"But never with me." Charlotte smiled back at her, she wished the couple would be going. But in a way she was happy, it meant she didn't have to worry about everyone staring at the blonde rather than her.

"Do you have any plans for after school?" The semester nearly being over meant that she was soon to be a senior, planning for the future was essential right now.

"I'm thinking about taking a year to travel, my grandparents lent me a bit of money for when I finished school so I'll probably use that."

"And after that?" Rosalie wanted to make it seem like she was really interested in Charlotte's life - she was - but not too much. She was just concerned about how her future plans could affect her family.

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