Really dude?

"Let's not get on the topic of honesty Jackson." I say and the boys all Oo at me.

"The tension, Jesus." Nora mumbles fanning herself and I laugh.

I send a little glare over to Jackson and the boy smirks. Then just to torture him I take off my dress and join everyone else in the swim wear.

I can feel his eyes on me and I try to focus on my conversation with Nora but all I can think about is the fact he is so blatantly checking me out and we are surrounded by people who will literally watch his eyes watch me.

"Let's go swim?" Jay says and Nora puts her hand on my thigh and I look at her a little 'what are ya doing?'.

"We will join you in a second." Nora says and sends a pointed look at Lucy. Lucy stays too as everyone else gets up and heads towards the water.

Jackson gives me a little curious look at the fact I'm being held back and I send him another little glare.

Because this is his fault.

"So." Nora says and I groan.


"Ivy." Lucy laughs and I just purse my bottom lip at them.

"There's a lot of extra tension today." Nora says and I dramatically lay myself back onto the blanket and spread my arms out.

"No there is not."

"I mean there is."

"We are just getting annoyed by eachother." I say sitting up on my elbows. "We spend a lot of time together at the moment and you know when you spend too much time with someone and like the little things they do get on your nerves. That's all that is happening." I lie.

Because it really was a lie.

I had spent over a month pretty much seeing Jackson everyday. And it wasn't annoying. His little things weren't annoying me in the slightest.

But I was in love with him.

And that was winding me up.

"Oh yeah okay." Lucy says and I smile at her understanding.

"Like when Max always puts his shoes the wrong way round on the shoe rack and like for no reason that really fucks me off?" She says and I nod.

"Exactly." I say laughing at her example.

"So are yous just gunna spend less time together?" Nora asks and I send her a small smile.


"Probably. Right can we go now?" I say and point towards where our friends are in the water and I sigh when I see the Lucy and Nora exchange a look.

I watch as the blue water is splashed between Jayden and Max and I smile as Jackson is just floating. He is so fucking cute.

I need to chill.

We get up and I straighten my bikini and make sure everything was like covered correctly. And then we walk towards the ocean.

As soon as the water hits my toes I pause at it's coldness. The waves splash slightly against us and Nora and Lucy literally walk right in and make their was over to Max and Luca, Luca hadn't said much to me today.

I was thankful for that.

I wander towards Jackson and frown when the water comes up over my shoulders and I have to swim to get to him.

I make my way over to him, not minding that my long hair was now wet from my head down and he doesn't even notice me as I get to his floating body.

Confessions of a Teenage AlcoholicWhere stories live. Discover now