Chapter 48

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*I hope yous enjoy:)*

"Okay so um, remember to keep your distance." I say to Jackson as we get out of the car and head towards the beach.

We hadn't been around our friends in a little while and well we were closer than ever and I just, they're going to notice. It had been a week since we had gone to get McDonald's and these weeks were just going by so quickly.

"Ivy we are friends. Close friends, they all know that. I don't need to keep my distance."

"The way we look at each other spell's I've seen you naked okay. They are gunna know somethings going on if we are constantly attached too."

"You over think these things." Jackson laughs and picks up my bag for me as we walk down the little board towards our friends.

"No, you underthink these things."

"No. I really don't."

"Okay look." I stop and he pauses too. Our friends are looking at us and I just feel this tenseness. "Jackson-"

"Okay okay. Stop your stressing woman, no touching I get it."

I just sigh and carry on walking because I was so bored of this being a secret.

But there's no reason for us to become like exclusive because he was going and this was ending soon and then my friends will be all concerned and they are just starting to look at me as Ivy again, instead of like this fragile thing that broke down at the party.

"You know..." Jackson starts and I look up to him.


"I can just make my touches secret." He says and then grins at my unimpressed face, laughing and then jogs away from me to our friends.

I was happy he was so carefree at the moment.

But also, for goodness sake Jackson.

"Hey you." Nora smiles up at me as I plomp myself down next to her on the blanket they had laid out.

"Hi." I grumble and then shake it off. "Hey sorry." I send her a smile and wave over at Lucy who was smiling at my entrance.

Jackson and I were the last ones to get here, again, because well.

We are rubbish at getting ready in the mornings.

Without, well you know.

"He brought you again?" Nora whispers to me, Jayden was sat right next to her and they weren't like touching or anything but because I knew, it was cute.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Jackson, yous always arrive together."

"We live close, like he literally lives five minutes away so now that we are friends it just makes sense." I send her a smile and then look up to Jackson who's sat next to Max and listening to us.

He rolls his eyes at me and I frown at his attitude.

"Are yous fighting?" Nora asks, observing our little heated glares and because I knew Jackson was listening I open up the question to him.

"I don't know, are we fighting Jackson?"

"Yep, we are livid with each other." He says back and I pout and Nora laughs.

"Why are yous fighting?" Lucy pipes in and Jackson just raises an eyebrow at me.

We weren't fighting, I don't know what this conversation is.

"Well, um."

"Because Ivy tells little white lies all the time." Jackson answers for me and I gape at him.

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