Chapter 31

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*Double Update!* Woooo! oh also this is a little naughty. Nothing compared to the next chapter golly. But i did a insta poll and yous said you wanted details soooo ;)

"Jackson wait." I say and I try to catch up with his back as we exist the main room but he just continues walking, until he sees an empty room with high glass windows and pushes the door open, leading us inside.

"Can we just stop a second." I say and he turns around staring at me from across the room. This has been the first time we've been alone since Jayden's and it's different this time. Sadder.

"Ives you shouldn't have followed me."

"What else was I supposed to do? Just let you go?"

"That's actually exactly what you want, isn't it?" His words hit me and I lean myself against a dark wooden table, this room seemed abandoned.

"I meant after you looked at me like that." I whisper and he brings a hand up and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I'm sorry. It's still hard to see you with other people. I'm working on it." He shares and I can't help but melt at his admission of jealousy.

"I thought you, um, stopped feeling like that, this week, we've been so normal."

"Have you stopped?" He asks and I stare at him, not letting myself shake my head before he tells me his answer. "Ivy you know how hard it's been for me to stay away from you this week."

"No Jackson I don't know."

"Yes, you do." He shakes his head at me, as if it was obvious. But it honestly wasn't.

"But you-"

"Do you like the feel of his hands on you? Constantly?" Jacksons tone sets me back and I realise he's been holding this in.


"Ivy his hands and constantly connected to you. In your hand, on your back, on your waist. Why?"

"That's just him. He's just affectionate." I explain and lean back as Jackson slowly approaches where I am sat in the table.

"I hate it."

"Jackson." I sigh and he just shrugs.

"You want me to express how I feel? I hate it, I do and I know I shouldn't. That I'm not allowed to miss you but I do. And you are right here, we have hung out so much in the group this week, but I miss you."

"Ja-" I start and my words get stuck in my throat as his hands place themselves on my thighs, his right one making contact with my leg under the slit of the dress.

"What was he whispering to you earlier? Why did you look so miserable, annoyed?"

"We were talking about you." I say and his head he leans against me slightly, I don't even think he knew he had gotten so close to me, it always just happens.


"That the only person I want to dance with, the only person I want to look at me is you. But that I know we can't, that we are doing good. That you'd never compliment me for the fear of meaning behind your words."

"Ivy you are so insanely beautiful, I just didn't think it was appropriate to express that in front of your parents or in front of your date. And fuck him." Jackson says and leans away from me, linking our fingers together an pulling me off the table to him as he walks backwards.

"Dance with me."


"I know Ivy, but fuck me, I don't care right now. It's just us here, we can go back to being sensible in a minute."

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