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One week passed so soon,

Everyone and everything seemed silent in school,

I was so confused that the mean girls weren't bullying me anymore

But turning my head sideways was a worst choice of my life

when I heard your voice

You were all happy

Still smiley

Like it was all normal

You acted as if we weren't getting the glares of the people around us,

But you don't seem to care

I couldn't bear your attitude anymore,

That I slapped you across the cheek,

I was disheartened in the inside,

But tried to look strong in front of you,

Ignoring the fact that I got bruises all over my body due to the bullying,

It hurts me less than you did

"How dare you! Don't you ever come interfering in my life anymore, EVER. AGAIN."

I didn't take the chance of hearing your response,

Nor seeing your reaction,

But all I knew is I walked away right after I finished my phrase

I tried to hold in my tears,

The reason why I only said a few words
When I could actually do a whole essay regarding the fact that I'm hurt

His yells were heard from behind me,

Trying to chase after me but I yanked my arm away,

"I said don't come, didn't I?"

He looked at me in disappointment,

Before his hand slowly loosens from mine

Oh how I wish I didn't walk away that day

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