It was a red-shelled, crustacean Pokémon with a short tail similar to a lobster. Its eyes were saucer-like with small pupils, and it had three spikes on top of its head. It possessed four pairs of limbs in total, two large pincers used for gripping prey, and three pairs of legs used for walking. The upper segments of its legs, underside of its body and lower halves of its pincers are cream-colored.

"Corphish!" Defiantly snapped the Pokémon, a pure Water type from what Marnie could recall, since its next evolution would make it into a dual Water/Dark type, which had her interests.

"Spark!" Instantly snapped Marnie, not wanting to Nessa a second more of planning, since any type that had an advantage over Water types would've be here often, resulting in a counter plan for the type being made.

The electrical aura cracked around Morpeko, the Pokémon was down on all fours and had her eyes narrowed in concentration, this new attack was giving Morpeko some difficulties, which would have to be sorted out by Y/n. Morpeko didn't waist a second lunching forward, leaping from platform to platform, easily closing the distance between them. 

"Earth yourself." Calmly counted Nessa, a murky brown glow slowly began to shine around her Corphish's pinchers, a brown thick liquid flowed out of Corphish's pinchers and into the air, falling back down onto the Pokémon a second later. "All of my Pokémon have a way of stopping a type advantage." Smugly informed Nessa, making Marnie's mind turn into a typhoon as she tried coming up with a plan, trying to think of a way that Morpeko could beat Corphish.

Morpeko seemed to sense what Marnie was thinking, there was no point going in close while Corphish is immune to electricity, that would risk putting herself in range of Corphish's pinchers, which wouldn't be a good idea since those were quite powerful. Ice crackled through the air, making Morpeko leap onto the platform on her right, the platform she had been standing on was now completely covered in ice.

The way the platforms were laid out was quite simple, there were 2 on the midway point of the battlefield, and then 4 on either side of the battlefield and all of them were within leaping distance for most of the Pokémon most people should have in this situation. But now in the center of the battlefield there was only one safe platform, the other one could be used but it would be better off for a Pokémon who had claw, or an ice type in general.

"Morpeko, come back." Loudly growled Marnie, clutching both of her hands into fists and had a scowl on her face, logically speaking there was no real way for Morpeko to defeat Corphish without knocking herself out as well. "Croagunk." Quickly ordered Marnie the moment Morpeko was on her platform, shooting the Pokéball out into the air a moment later, her Non-Dark type that gave off Dark type vibes stood on one of the platforms.

"Croa.... gunk." Heavily heaved the Pokémon, his orange cheeks inflating in annoyance at the sheer amount of water that was in the area, sure he had dry skin but has anyone ever asked him if he could swim, or even tread water for that matter? "Gunk." Eerily croaked the Poison/Fighting type, crouching down slightly and gesturing for Corphish to come closer.

Marnie or Nessa didn't know what Croagunk said, but the way Corphish lunged forward without Nessa saying so must've been bad, especially since Croagunk sat on the edge of his platform with his hands in the water, while Corphish jumped into water. Croagunk turned around and nodded at Marnie, wanting to fight this battle at his own tempo, Marnie just nodded back as she saw the shadow of Corphish swim towards her Pokémon.

The once clean, blue water was taking on a nasty purple hue, bright pink around where Croagunk was sitting, the Pokémon was chuckling to himself as he was kicking his feet in the water, coating the top of it in poison. Corphish lurched up out of the water a moment later, a purpled hue on the Pokémon's face as the whole surface of the water took on the same color, and now Corphish was stranded on the lone middle and he couldn't really move, plus the timer Corphish was on wasn't helping.

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