Ultimatum | FE: Heroes

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Teaser #2 for Different Worlds


Kiran finally had a proper day off from her tactician duties. She didn't know how to spend it since she wasn't used to having an entire day off. Being a full-time student and a part-time worker hardly gave her any free time. If she wasn't working, she was taking care of her copious amount of homework. Her life in the other world left her exhausted, but in a strange turn of events, she found herself missing the chaos just a little bit.

Kiran decided to take it easy and explore the castle some more. Sharena had been kind enough to give her a quick tour when they first met, so Kiran had at least a rough idea of the castle's layout. Unfortunately, her poor sense of direction made it hard for her to remember certain locations, leading to her getting lost. She recalled the time her face instantly flushed scarlet when she had to tell Sharena that she couldn't find her room. It was probably the most humiliated she felt in her entire life.

Then again, the castle was enormous beyond Kiran's comprehension. The apartment she shared with her brother looked like a mere shoebox in comparison. Although, part of her was grateful for the gargantuan space. It gave her many opportunities to avoid a certain Askrian prince outside of the Order's business.

Alfonse was the least enthusiastic about Kiran's involvement with the Order of Heroes. It was made quite clear by the way he would subtly challenge her during their strategy meetings. Kiran was well aware that he wanted nothing to do with her, but she'd be lying to herself if she didn't admit that his judgment about her didn't hurt her feelings just a little bit. She couldn't think of a reason for him to dislike her so much.

It wasn't like she chose to be in Askr. If anything, Kiran wanted nothing more than to go back home. Harry and Kathleen must be turning the entire state of California upside down looking for her right now. She wished she could send them some sign to let them know that she was at least alright. Being unable to contact them was so frustrating for her, and Alfonse's attitude wasn't helping the matter at all.

Besides, he was the one that began to make an effort to keep his distance. Unfortunately for him, that proved to be difficult considering Kiran had been appointed the Order's tactician. They were forced to get along when in the presence of Anna and Sharena. The two had no choice but to keep it professional whenever the other members were around.

Kiran found herself walking into the courtyard of the castle. The sun was shining brightly against the clear blue skies as a small breeze blew past her. Kiran tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear before it could get in her face. She couldn't help but be reminded of the park she and her brother often went to when they were younger. The two times she had been here was to get away from the Order of Heroes. This was the only place that, in a way, gave her a small piece of home.

Her sense of peace quickly disappeared when she spotted the familiar prince up ahead. She impulsively hid behind a tall bush and peeked through the edge. Alfonse was kneeling in front of a patch of flowers. The small, red petals were frilly that they danced with the wind whenever it blew by. They seemed to have just recently bloomed. Alfonse must've been the one taking care of them considering how content he looked.

Kiran couldn't help but notice the softness in Alfonse's eyes as they gazed into the flowers. She had grown used to seeing him with furrowed eyebrows and a permanent frown on his lips. A tiny grin graced his lips, which caught the brunette woman off guard. She truly believed that a smile from him would be impossible to catch. He was always so brooding, but seeing him so at ease at the moment... It fascinated her.

We're around the same age, yet he always carried himself maturely than I ever could, she thought to herself, her eyes lingering on the blue-haired prince. He looks so young when he's not brooding. I think I like seeing him like this, but I do wonder why he's so serious all the time.

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