Consequence of Lies | FE: Three Houses

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A heated argument leaves all parties involved wounded in one way or another. Wanda must face the fragile state of her relationships and decide whether to side with her best friend or the one she fell in love with.


It was a rather somber evening at Garreg Mach Monastery. Most students and faculty members had retired to their rooms for the evening, but not all. The infirmary was filled with a deafening silence. Only two dimly lit candles provided some light for the two people occupying the facility. The candles had been burning for hours and were in dire need of replacing if there was to be any light at all, but it didn't matter to the nurse. A candle could easily be replaced once it's been exhausted. A life, on the other hand, cannot.

Wanda could hear the occasional drip of hot wax falling onto the copper plate She was unfazed by it as her attention was solely on the unconscious and injured girl in front of her. Even with the faint gleam from the candles, Wanda noted how her friend's skin no longer held that healthy glow she was always jealous of. Rather, it now retained a sickly pale hue. The gauzes around her chest and arms made the unconscious girl look like an unfinished wrapped mummy. One thick bandage was plastered on her left temple, which hid a nasty cut. Short strands of her reddish-brown hair stuck to parts of her forehead due to the cold sweat produced as a result of pain. Considering what she had gone through, the nurse would be more concerned if the girl couldn't feel pain at all.

Knowing her friend was alive should have been enough to ease Wanda. However, all she thought about was the fight they had before she left on her mission with her class. Fights between the two girls were seldom, and when they did happen, they would make up soon after. This particular fight was different though. Harsh words were thrown at each other. Pent-up emotions exploded like a bomb. The damage had been done, and quite honestly, Wanda wasn't sure if it could be mended.

"You're still here?"

Wanda hesitantly tore her eyes from her unconscious friend to find the source of the voice. Her heart dropped upon seeing Claude making his way into the infirmary. Normally, Wanda enjoyed having his company around. It made her job as a nurse less lonely. He would always find a way to make her laugh or smile. This time, she wasn't in the mood, especially when his presence alone had unintentionally ignited the fight between the two girls.

Unable to utter any words, Wanda simply returned her gaze to the unconscious girl. She reached for her hand and took it into her own. It felt cold under her touch, so she held it as though her life depended on it. Wanda heard the scraping of a chair against the floor until it was placed next to hers. Claude had taken a seat there, and she knew he wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon.

Coming here was a gamble in more than one way. Not only was he risking punishment for being out past curfew, but he also didn't know if now was the right time. He was concerned about both of them, despite the fact that Wanda's friend didn't particularly like him from the very beginning. She had her reason: he grew too close to the nurse. In her eyes, he stole Wanda from her. Now, he had the nerve to come here.

"You shouldn't have come..." Wanda whispered in a quiet voice. "Evie... wouldn't want you here."

Hearing those words hurt Claude more than they should. Wanda instantly regretted saying such a thing to him. She hated choosing sides, and she hated being forced to choose between her best friend and her partner even more. Everyone involved in the argument was already defeated in some way, shape, or form.

The broken relationship was beginning to take a toll on Wanda, that much was obvious to Claude. She hardly held her head high, similar to what a child does to show remorse for causing trouble. He also noticed how her undereye circles developed darkness when she looked at him. An uncharacteristic frown was on her lips rather than the smile he adored seeing on her. Last but not least, her light green eyes looked sad. Strangely, unnaturally sad.

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