Falling Apart | FE: Heroes

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Teaser #1 for Different Worlds


Kiran wanted so desperately to go home.

She didn't belong in this world of magic and swords and war. This wasn't the kind of life she wanted for herself. Her future most certainly did not include becoming a tactician for an organization sworn to protect heroes from other worlds. She missed being concerned about what career she wanted to pursue. She missed the long FaceTime calls with her best friend. Hell, she even missed the noisy environment at her part-time job and dealing with the annoying children that made her job more difficult than usual. Most importantly, she missed her older brother and his comforting presence.

It really was as the saying went: you don't realize what you have until it's gone. Kiran felt it in her heart in the most painful way. That's why she was willing to devote long hours in the castle's massive library to find a way back home. The faster she could get out of here, the better. After all, she had a feeling that there was someone else that wanted her to leave just as much as her.

The first person to have welcomed her in this world was Anna, and now that Kiran thought about it, the redhead was rather patient with her considering that Kiran was in a frantic state upon her arrival. Sharena, the Princess of Askr, was the friendliest of them all. She had made it her mission to make sure Kiran stayed comfortable during her time with the Order of Heroes. Perhaps that's why Kiran unknowingly warmed up to her the quickest. Then there was her brother, the polar opposite.

Prince Alfonse of Askr was an enigma to Kiran. He spoke to her like a fellow soldier than an ally, even went as far as to disagree with some of her strategies. It was clear to Kiran that he didn't trust her, but that gave him no right to make life here difficult. Why was he this way with her? It wasn't clear to her either. Although, she had a feeling that it had to do with the fact that she was from another world. Well, whatever the reason was for his dislike for the young woman, it didn't matter. She was going to go home and leave Askr behind. Anywhere was better when it was far away from Alfonse.

Kiran was in the library, engrossed by a large book, that she had lost track of time. The morning sky had already turned dark and the sun was replaced by the moon. Many of the castle's inhibitors had retired for the night with the exception of the Summoner. The only source of light for her were the two thick candles on her desk. Stacks of books were on the floor next to her while one tactful book was opened in front of her. Her tired cerulean blue eyes read every word of the book in search of information she desired.

The logical part of herself knew that all this reading was in vain. She had done all this reading for almost an entire week and found next to nothing. However, she still held out hope that there was something, anything, that would take her home. Her brother must be waiting for her on the other side, right?

Alfonse was walking through the halls when his steel-blue eyes caught sight of Kiran in the library. Her back was facing him, so she didn't see him saunter into the library. He noticed that she wasn't wearing her white coat as well as how unruly her brown hair was. Alfonse took careful steps closer to the young woman, curious as to why she was still awake at this hour. So many books were stacked on the floor in separate piles and the candles on her desk were halfway melted.

"Summoner," he called, intentionally not using her real name.

A startled gasp left Kiran's lips as she stood up and turned around. The stack of books next to her was knocked over by her foot. Seeing the mess on the floor, Kiran cursed under her breath and knelt down to pick them up. She heard the Prince sigh before he knelt down as well. The brunette woman looked up to find Alfonse picking up the books as well.

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