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*Jades POV*

Ugggh bedtime I hate sleeping (I don't actually know if you hate sleeping) but the bright side is that cam won't be wearing a shirt ☺ "ha ha thanks love" "what" "you said cam won't be wearing a shirt" "I said that out loud" "yep" "moving on goodnight cam" "night jadey" I just gave him a playful death glare I hate it when he calls me that "Jade wait" "Yes cam" he gently pressed his soft pink lips to my forehead and said "Goodnight princess" "Goodnight my prince" I know I maybe 11 but I am falling for Cameron Alexander Dallas (Just pretend all the guys are 15 except Hayes)////////////////////////////
Hey guys I'm not sure if this made sense or not so comment vote or whatever BYE MY LOVELIES.

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