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(I think I'm three chapters behind the original flow of the book bc Ive been adding more content. This just means that this ff will probably have a few more chapters than it originally did :D )

(Connor's POV)

"Hey!" Michael shouts at me as I help the other children onto the balance beam. Their legs are too little to climb up by themselves, so some of them need a boost. "Hey, Connor! Hey, hey, Connor, hey-"

"Yeah?" I hold my hands out in a silent offer to help him, but he shakes his head. "What do you want, then?"

"Betcha can't guess what I'm gonna be for Halloween!" 

I pretend to think for a few moments, then sigh dramatically. "I have no idea." 

"No, you have to guess!" 

"I can't." 

Michael rolls his eyes, stomping his foot just a little bit. I have to keep in mind that he's only seven, so I can't expect him to be mature whatsoever.

"I'm gonna be a ghost! Isn't that spooky?" 

"Well, you're spooky enough when you're not a ghost, so I bet you'll be ten times spookier when you are a ghost." 

"I know, right. What're you gonna be?" 

"Nothing." I've long since entered that fun age where Halloween is boring. Not that it was ever fun. Cynthia says it used to really freak me out when I was a kid, but I don't remember that.

"Wow, how are you gonna pull off a nothing costume?" 

"Get on the balance beam, smart-ass." 

He giggles at me as he struggles to climb onto the balance beam, kicking his little feet as if that will help him any. I feel a tug on my sleeve and look down at Megan, who's always had this weird idea that she and I are identical because we both have brown hair.

"I'm gonna be a fairy princess for Halloween," she tells me earnestly. "You should also be a fairy princess and then that way, no one will be able to tell us apart at the Halloween party."

"You know, it's a solid plan, Megan," I commend, "but I don't know where I'm gonna find a big enough fairy princess costume at such short notice, and I don't even know what your fairy princess costume looks like. We'll look ridiculous if we show up wearing different colored dresses." 

She frowns at this, scrunching up her nose as she tries to figure out a way to make her idea work. Eventually, she sighs and gives up. 

"I guess you're right," she relents. "But don't show up as a regular fairy or a regular princess, either, 'cause then you'll be a copycat and a copycat is NOT a good Halloween costume. A regular cat would be fine. You can be a regular cat, but don't be a copycat." 

"Oh, good point. I won't be a copycat because then everyone might laugh at me." 

She nods solemnly, patting my hand with a sympathetic smile as if she's just saved me from some horrible fate by telling me not to be a copycat. She walks right past the balance beam and up to a small gaggle of students, probably to tell them not to dress up as the same thing as her or else they'll be copycats. 

When class ends, I go out to my car and just sit there for a while. I don't want to go home yet, but I don't want to be anywhere else, either. I know I can't take too long to go home or Cynthia will freak out, but I'm not going anywhere just yet.

My phone buzzes from its spot on the passenger seat where I had thrown it carelessly. I glance at the lit up screen to see a text from Evan. I resist the urge to roll my eyes as I open my phone to look at the text.

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