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(I'm putting a warning here just in case: this chapter does have some triggering material and maybe some triggering language regarding suicide as well. Read with caution if you know that could affect you) 

(Evan POV) 

While I'm eating dinner after a very stressful first day of school- eating dinner alone, might I add, but there's really no surprise there- my phone rings.

Which, obviously, is a completely nauseating concept.

Nonetheless, I check the Caller ID to make sure I'm not ignoring someone I actually know. It's Jared. I heave a great sigh and answer the call. 

"What?" is how I greet him, already tired of this conversation.

 "The science homework. I don't get it." 

"I'm sorry to hear that." I poke sadly at my poorly prepared box mac n cheese. 

"I need help." 

"W-well," I shrug even though I know he can't see it. "Good luck with that." 

"Evan, would you please come help me do the science homework?" 

I really don't want to walk to Jared's house right now. And, also, he has a car, so I don't understand why I always have to go to him.

"Fine," I say anyway. I hang up on him before he can say anything like 'thank you' or probably something really rude. I know: who am I and how did I get so bold?

I toss my uneaten, inevitably cold macaroni and cheese in the trash and pull my sneakers on. It's not cold so I don't bother with a jacket. Besides, trying to get my jacket sleeves to fit over my cast is too much of a hassle.

I lock the door behind me and start my relatively short trek to Jared's house. He lives, like, five streets away, so it's really not a big deal. However, I would like to reiterate: Jared has a car. 

The fastest way is to cut through a park near my house. I swing the park gate open, cringing as the old hinges squeal as loud as they possibly can. I'm about five steps into the park when Jared calls me again.

"What?" I growl into the phone.

"Are you almost here yet?" 

"I j-just left my house!" 

"You're so slow!"

"I'm hanging up on you," I tell him, and I almost do, but then I see a mysterious looking guy a little ways away from me. The park is closed at night, and while I do understand that I, too, am trespassing, I do not look threatening or intimidating or dangerous in the least bit.

"The hang up button is on your phone," Jared condescends when I fail to hang up. "Probably somewhere near the center of your screen... Or maybe the bottom. It's red-" 

"There's a scary looking dude in the park," I hiss at him. 

"Oh no, someone is walking around on public property. Let's call the president and have this guy shot down." 

"No, Jared, I'm ser-serious. He's acting all weird. He's, like, shaking and stuff." 

"Sounds like he's tweaking or something," he sounds bored. "Just go around him, dude, this homework is due tomorrow." 

"Tweaking?" I'm not entirely sure what that means.

"God, Hansen, the guy is on drugs. Can't you just leave the park and go the long way?" 

"S-sir?" I call out, ignoring Jared completely. "Sir, do you need some help?" 

The guy turns toward me and I almost throw up.

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