Josie's Break up

After leaving Hope, Josie went straight to where she knew Penelope's class would be letting out soon. It had been really hard the last two weeks avoiding her soon to be ex-girlfriend.

She didn't want to lead her on, but she also didn't want to stress her out before her midterms. She knew that there was no way that Penelope hadn't noticed the lack of time or the lack of intimacy between them.

But she couldn't help it. When Pen tried to hold her hand, kiss her, or anything, she felt like she was cheating on Hope. She knew it was backwards as the raven-haired girl was her official girlfriend and she knew, logically, she was in fact cheating on Penelope, but in her heart, she knew the truth and the brunette refused to deny her feelings any longer.

She has wanted Hope since she was eight, even if it took her a year to realize that she had a crush on her. When she was eight Hope smiled at her for the first time across the playground and without her knowing, her heart gave itself over to the tribrid. When Hope and she finally kissed, she was done for and she was never going to be the same again.

The only thing holding her back from ending things two weeks ago was midterms. Josie cared about school and wanted everyone to do well. She would never forgive herself if her and Hope's happiness came at someone else's expense.

She already felt bad and selfish enough, as she knew that Landon and Penelope would be hurt with the breakups, but at least they wouldn't flunk too.

"Hey Jojo! Waiting for me?"

Smiling her best fake smile, Josie nodded.

"Yeah. Now that your midterms are over, I was wondering if you wanted to come to my room. We can talk."

"That sounds like a great idea." The shorter girl smiled. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"Yeah, I've been really busy with midterms... and everything else."

Josie hated lying. She wasn't bad at it, she had to know how to lie to make sure to protect the secrets of the school and everyone in it, she just really didn't like doing it.

The two girls walked up to Josie's room together. As they passed by the main hallway, Josie saw Landon walking up to Hope.

It appeared the girl was lost in thought. 'Well this should be fun. I can't wait for this to be over.'

"What's going on Jojo? You have that look that you get when you're trying to solve a really difficult math problem." The shorter girl looked at her girlfriend with concern.

"I sort of am." Josie knew that she had to do this. She just hated to hurt people.

"Maybe I can help you. I aced my math midterm." The older witch smiled.

Josie turned to the other girl and shook her head. She just had to do this. Waiting and going slow wasn't better.

"Ok, so I have to tell you something and you aren't going to like it. Please just let me get this all out first."

"Let me stop you there. I know what you're going to say."

"You do? How?" Josie was confused.

"I swear it didn't mean anything. As soon as I realized that I had feelings for you, I called it off. Then, after you left that party a couple of weeks ago I got really drunk. I didn't know what I was doing until I woke up in her bed again."

The younger girl looked in shock. Was she hearing this correctly? This could make things easier.

"So, let me see if I understand what you are saying. When we started dating, you were sleeping with another girl until you decided that you actually had feelings for me. Then, after I left a party, you drank so much you ended up in that same girl's bed again. Is that right?"

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