"No, I'm starving." Derek refuted again, Blair coming close to punching her teenage brother for not listening to them as she bit her lip to stop her anger from coming out since she knew she couldn't do anything to him right now for multiple reasons.

"We ate earlier, like tons of food. Definitely couldn't eat anymore if we tried." Blair spoke up as she tried to get rid of the offer for them to join Rafael. Blair trying her hardest to convince Rafael to let them go upstairs. Blair's stomach grumbling in hunger as it outed her lie, Stiles glaring at her for her noise while Rafael furrowed his eyebrows at Blair in confusion since it was clear that she was lying. Rafael didn't even know if he should question why the two were making such a big deal over lying about eating something with him - figuring it was because of the two's blatant distaste towards him that was causing their weird behaviour.

"Blair, I think your stomach is disagreeing with your words." Rafael commented sarcastically as he pointed out her obvious lie, Blair's lips forming a straight line as she nodded her head while closing her eyes - hanging her head as Stiles was quick to cover for them since Blair was too embarrassed to say anything else currently.

"None of us are hungry. Thanks, though." Stiles answered as he pointed to the three of them, Rafael starting to grow a little confused by their behaviour but didn't question it whenever it came to Stiles since the Stilinski boy was usually acting weird whenever he was around him or around any other human being for that matter.

"Okay, well, if you're not hungry, Stiles and Blair, your friend can still can still eat with us. What's your name?" Rafael asked Derek who was about to answer the man honestly before Stiles cut him off quickly since he didn't want Rafael to figure anything out. Rafael still thinking it would be nice to at least offer food to one of Scott's friends while the others acted weirdly.

"Miguel. My cousin Miguel. From Mexico. So..." Stiles answered as he clapped Derek's shoulder, Derek nodding as he agreed with Stiles - smirking at his obvious lie since he didn't think the man would actually believe Stiles considering the two looked nothing alike. While Blair was just glad that Derek still hadn't caught on to the fact that she was his Blair and not some random relative from Oregon.

"Oh, my god." Stiles and Blair whispered once Rafael started speaking spanish to Derek who surprisingly started speaking it back to Rafael - which was astonishing to Blair because she knew for a fact that older Derek didn't know a word of Spanish. Blair guessing the only reason Derek knew it now was because of the recent memory of his High School spanish classes.

"Fantastic. Egg roll?" Rafael asked him, Derek not hesitating to step forward as Rafael started offering him more food to eat while Stiles started laughing nervously at the two talking to each other since this could end very badly for him and Blair if anything went wrong in the slightest.

"We're so screwed, aren't we?" Blair whispered to Stiles while she kept a wide smile on her face as they stared at Rafael and Derek in front of them as they tried not to blow their cover of something being wrong with her since both of them were freaking out over having dinner with Rafael and Derek.

"Act natural, everything is fine. We have totally got this, now fake smile." Stiles explained to Blair as he rested his hands on Blair's shoulders, the two faking wide smiles as they joined the two at the dinner table, sliding into the two vacant seats beside Derek while trying to act like nothing was wrong and that they weren't freaking out on the inside.


"So, uh, Miguel, what did you say your last name was again?" Rafael asked Derek suddenly in an attempt to make conversation with him, Blair sitting in the middle of Derek and Rafael as she faced Stiles - placing herself in that seat so that she could easily kick Stiles if she needed to.

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