Dream sequence

I appeared in a stone arena. There was a massive pentagram on the floor. I had nothing, just my clothes. All of a sudden, a huge stone mech like creature rises from the floor. I started to back away from it as it walked towards me. It swung it's mace behind itself and threw it at me. I screamed in fear, expecting it to hit me, but it didn't. I opened my eyes to see (y/n) standing there!

"(Y/n)!" I yelled. I ran up to him and hugged him. He looked me dead in the eyes but didn't move a muscle. I hugged him for a few seconds before I looked into his eyes. "I knew you weren't dead." I said. His eyes were blank, lifeless. All there was in them was blue, no soul. I stopped hugging him and took a step back, confused and scared at what had happened. He pulled his super shotgun out and looked at me before turning to the big demon. He signalled for me to get to the edge before charging at the big demon. He got into a huge fight with it, trading heavy blows and continuously firing at it. Eventually though, the demon fell into one knee. (Y/n) grabbed it's spear out of its hand and rammed it through what I could only assume was the demons head.

2 more of the things arose from the floor. Immediately, (y/n) began pummelling round after round and rocket after rocket into them. Eventually, after a few minutes of massive blows between them all, one fell onto its knees. (Y/n) ran up to it and smashed it's head in a few times before punching straight through the demons head.

After a few more minutes, the second demon had fallen. (Y/n) ripped the armoured plate off the front of its head and yanked a large parasite looking creature from inside. He grabbed it with both hands and tore it apart. Once he'd done that, he stood still and looked at me.

"(Y/n)!" I said as I ran up to him. He had no life in his eyes, almost as if he wasn't really him. "(Y/n), are you ok?" He looked at me in the eyes before turning away.

"Who are you?" He said. I stood back in horror.

"(Y/n), it, it's me, Lena. You remember me, right?"

He looked up at the sky for a second.

"Sounds familiar, where from I don't know."

He looked back down at me. I pulled the sleeve up on my arm to reveal my holy symbol. As I did, (y/n) suddenly regained life.

"L-l, Lena?" He said.

"(Y/n)!" I shouted as I wrapped my arms around him. He smiled at me, but suddenly his eyes filled with horror.

"Erebus. He, he's coming."

As soon as he did, the floor underneath him lit on fire. As it did, he pushed me away from him as he slowly started to sink into the floor.

"(Y/n) I, I love you!" I shouted.

"I love you too, Lena." He replied just before completely sinking into the floor. I stood there completely perplexed at what had just happened. I stood there for a while before I heard some metal clashing. I looked up to see Doomfist with loads of pentagrams and other symbols on his body.

"He cannot save you." He said. I began to back away as he charged his demonic gauntlet up at me.

"(Y/n) will kill you. He, he will always protect me."

"Not this time." He said as he fired his gauntlet at me. I screamed just as it hit me.

As it did, I woke up and realised that is screamed in real life as well. Angela and Genji both immediately got out of bed and rushed over to me. I looked over at the photo of me and (y/n) and noticed that the coins had lit back up with his symbol.

"Lena? Lena what happened?" Angela asked.

"(Y-y, y/n)'s still, alive." I whispered.

"What? How?" Genji asked.

"I, I saw him. He protected me in hell, then doomfist came and k-killed me." I began crying just thinking about it all.

"Lena, it was just a dream. Go back to sleep."

"But, but it's not a dream!" I said as I reached over to the coins. I showed them to both Genji And Angela. "See, his holy sign has lit back up! That was out when he 'died'."

Angela sighed as she closed my hand around the coins.

"Lena, you're seeing things. Go back to sleep, (y/n)'s gone."

"But he's not! You just can't see it."

"Lena." Genji said as he put his hand on my shoulder. "Get some rest, you need it."

"But, I, it's just, i-" I looked up to see (y/n) standing in the corner of the room. "(Y/n)!" I shouted. I pushed both Genji and Angela aside and walked over to him.

"Lena, you must prepare. Doomfist is coming. He'll arrive within the next week. I will not be able to fight yet, for I cannot leave until Erebus is dead. You must prepare everyone for the biggest battle of their lives, for if you cannot stall until I have returned then you will all die."

As he said that, he started to fade out of existence.

"(Y/n)." I whimpered as he faded back into nothingness. I sunk my head and began crying into my hands.

"Lena, you're seeing things." Angela said.

"No I'm not!" I shouted back before wiping the tears from my eyes. "(Y/n) is alive, and we must prepare."

"Prepare for what?" Genji asked.

"For the clash of the slayers."

Angela shook her head.

"Lena, please go back to sleep. You need to rest. Tell us about this in the morning, please."

"But, I, it-"

"Lena, please."

I sighed and walked back over to my bed. "Fine." I said. I couldn't believe that they were treating me like I was a baby. I got back into bed and closed my eyes.

"I love you (y/n)." I said into nothing.

"I love you too Lena."

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