Start from the beginning

"Oh, sh—" He starts to yell.

"Allison!" He says surprised she was here.

The tall brunette gives him a cold look. "Where's Derek?"

"What are you doing?" Scott asks her confused.

"If you're not going to tell me, then get out of my way." She tells him.

Scott frowns at the girl he loves. "Allison—"

"Where is he???" Allison says furious.

"What happened?" Scott asks her concerned.

"Scott... Scott, you need to stay away from me right now." Allison shrugs off his questions.

"I need to go. Just stay out of my way." She walks away from him.

As Allison turns the corner away from Scott she runs into Matt.

He smiles as he sees her. "You should've given me a chance... 'Cause, remember how I said I'm not the kind of guy who would say something like, 'Well, if I can't have her, no one can?' It's not totally true, because... Allison... If I can't have you..."

"No one can!" He screams in a distorted voice.

He then walks over to the holding cell where Stilinski was as he hears yelling.

"Agh! God!" Stilinski says trying to pull himself out of the handcuff.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!" Melissa exclaims from the cell next to him.

Just as Stilinski rips himself free from the handcuffs Matt walks in and knocks him out.

Stiles who was watching from just around the corner reaching out to his dad and cries.

He wished there was more he could do.

"Matt?" Melissa says.

The young boy turns to him.

"Matt, please, listen to me. My son has been shot, Cass has been shot, and I've heard other gunfire, and I don't know what's happening... But can you please just let me see my son and Cass?" She pleads with him.

Matt scoffs at the concerned mother. "How totally clueless are you people?"

Then in comes Scott and Derek.

The only this is they were in werewolf form.

"Oh, God. Scott? Scott, you okay?" Melissa asks her son.

"Scott?" She asks again.

He turns to her fangs, facial hair and pointy ears out.

"No!" She cries out horrified.

Her son was a monster.

Scott turns away from his mother sad that she now knows the truth.

He looks down at the floor to see the man he's thought of as a father passed out.

Gerard has taken Matt saying he would take care of the issue.

Scott and Derek go to the hallway to get Stiles when they see Cassidy passed out against the wall.

"Oh my god." Scott says running up to her.

"Oh god Cassie." Stiles says as Derek helps him over.

"She's still breathing." Scott says to the two boys.

"It's faint though. I don't know how much longer she'll be able to take." He tells them tears in his eyes.

"Then we got to go now." Derek says.

He would never admit it out loud but he does have a soft spot for the girl.

"Where?" Stiles asks not taking his eyes off of his love.

"The hospital." Derek tells him.

Scott shakes his head. "She won't make it."

"What do you want to do then?" Derek asks getting annoyed at the younger boy.

"You need to give her the bite." Scott turns to the alpha.

And so he does.

Oh yes. I did that. Derek bit Cass. So what do you think she's gonna turn into? I mean like I already know but what do you think? I've literally had this planned forever. I just was so excited to write it. I've never seen a fic where the OC got bit like this. I'm so happy that I came up with an original idea. I hate being that copycat writer. Anyway I love you all.


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