Amber's Fears

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Amber splashed Ben and laughed, "Hey!" He splashed back as Star helped her out. Nic had climbed out and was shaking off her fur by now. Brice smirked still dry, and the only one. Amber had dragged Eli in and she had splashed Kale and then he had jumped in. Nic had knocked Star in and he had splashed them but had only gotten Nic. Then she jumped in after him. Ben and Amber had been the first ones in.

Nic walked over to him and plopped down on his lap still soaked getting him wet in the process, "Nic!" He laughed at her and she gave him a goofy look as Kale started to make a small fire pit with Eli.

Amber sat with Brice and Nic and Nic changed forms and relaxed leaning against Brice. She looked perfectly content sitting there with him. Amber looked at her, "So, you won't hurt us?"

"No, Amber... I..." Brice set his arms around her reassuringly, "I made a deal and I couldn't step out from under Sara's orders... I don't want to hurt any of you..." She hugged Brice tightly like she was worried.

"What were you talking about earlier?"


"Right after you broke my ankle... You mentioned something about me being like you and Star."

"I was scaring him by threatening to hurt you..."

"How so?"

"I was saying that I was going to bring you in as a lab rat like the rest of us... Like Sara did to me..."

"What happened?"

"It doesn't matter. Just know that Sara betrayed me, my friend, and my love. I don't talk about it. But she brought me in."

"And... Star?" She glanced at him and Ben.

"He was pulled in from a parking deck... With his two friends, Sasha and Buck... I knew Bucky, there was even a time where he considered himself my friend... But not anymore."


"The one they called the vampire... He and I were cruel and tended to react violently. So we were put in a room together."

"And Sasha... She died right?"

"No. She was overdosed with a sedative and in critical last thing I heard..."

Amber took a deep breath, "So, you knew a lot about stuff there?"

"I was pretty high up there. Yes. Same as my replacement will know things..." She ran her hands through her hair pulling on it slightly. Brice lightly swatted her hand.

She looked surprised, "Stop pulling your hair." She smiled slightly, like it was something he always did. Something she had missed.

He pulled one of her hands away from her hair untangling her fingers and taking her hand in his. She smiled slightly as he pressed her hand to his lips.

Amber observed them and their behavior quizzically. She had never seen anyone do anything like they did. They weren't ashamed to show that they shared strong feelings towards one another.

Nic softly kissed his cheek and then looked at Amber, "They will hunt Star and I... We need to all come up with a plan." Eli and Kale were acting like they were gonna kill each other while Star and Ben watched them without intervening as they finished the fire pit and started trying to make a small fire.

Amber felt her worry creeping along her skin giving her a slight chill. Nic stood and looked at Kale who looked between Nic and Eli. He shrugged, "She started it!!!" Sounding like a child whining and pointing at Eli.

Eli rolled her eyes, "Did not!" Nic bit back a laugh as Star and Ben whispered to each other a little about Eli and Kale.

Amber looked at Brice, "Brice... Are we in danger now?..."

He looked at her, "Amber... The moment you were dropped down you were in danger... There's much that could happen... I'm considering cutting out my tracker now..."

She looked shocked, "Why would you do such a thing?"

He looked at her, "People do crazy things for the ones they love... Nic doesn't have a tracker anymore... I'd want to stay with her."

Amber looked at her ankle, "Are we staying here because I'm hurt...?"

He shook his head quickly, "Amber don't. Look, if we wanted to move, I could carry you. Next time we run into Sara, we will make some sort of plan. I want to see what lengths she will go to for them... Then we move. That is not your fault. I promise."

"Thank you Brice..." She felt like she could hug him in that moment.

"No problem Amber."


"Yes?" He stopped before getting up and looked at her.

"I'm really scared... That blonde girl... She..."

He nodded and pulled her closer to him, "It's alright Amber. Everyone gets scared. It's perfectly normal."

She leaned against him with his arm around her shoulders. No body had siblings anymore, but Amber felt like if she had an older brother, this is what it would feel like.

She was still scared, but she felt safe with Brice. Not like him and Nic, more like a big brother. It was almost odd to her. But she did like it, very much so. He was very comfortable to be around and to rely on. For her at least.

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