A Rock and a Hard Place

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When Kale climbed out of his tent and took it down, he saw Brice and Eli had fallen asleep. She started moving and watched him till he noticed she was awake. "You stayed?"

"Yes. I figured it may suit me better." Brice moaned slightly and started waking up.

"You think? How so Eli?"

She just smiled at Kale, "Well for one thing, if we anger something that could kill one of us. I don't have to outrun it, I just need to outrun one of you two."

Kale laughed as Brice sat up with a stupid grin plastered on his face over her joke, "Now you're thinking big picture Eli." A wolf's howl nearby pierced through the air giving them all chills.

Brice looked between the two, "Stay near or run from it?"

Eli gave him a look that labelled him as crazy but Kale nodded, "Stay near. We can avoid more people that way. And if someone needs help with it we are close, right?"

Brice smiled, "Exactly Kale. There is a method to the madness Eli." She only sighed and decided to trust them.


The massive gray wolf sniffed around some trees and she let out a loud cry. She had found the scent, and it was still strong.

The blonde ran quickly and met up with the wolf as it turned into a human girl again. The wolf girl placed her right hand to her own shoulder as a salute and bowed.

"What did you find?" The blonde seemed excited and spoke quickly.

The wolf girl took her time and stood at ease, "I found a strong scent. I sense he lost consciousness here." She was able to point to the place on the ground. "Then two people found and aided him. Someone built a fire while the other slept. Then he and one of the rescuers fell asleep together over here." She was able to point out all these places, her sharp and calculating green eyes scanned the area.

"So, is there a good following scent for him? I want him taken in!" Her golden eyes burst to the flaming, harsh yellow color. Causing the wolf girl to wince and whine like a whipped dog. "Get over yourself."

"You're hurting me!" She dropped to her knees she started to whine again, "Stop that! I already swore to serve you."

"And don't forget it... Now get me what I want!" The blonde glared at her and she began to whimper louder with a couple yelps.

"Ok, I'll do it. I'll hunt him and bring him in. Just stop hurting me!" Her flaming yellow eyes softened to the golden color again.

The wolf girl turned into the massive gray wolf, "Now hunt him. Bring him here."

The wolf ran off in a burst of speed after the scent.


Amber stopped when they all three faced the side of a rock cliff. Simon gave Ben a questioning look to which he shrugged. Amber looked at the steep incline, "Should we go up, or keep walking?"

The wolf's howl pierced the air and sent a chill down everyone's spine. Then Star felt a huge mass of dread and horror build up in his chest, causing his heart to sink. "Up. Definitely up Amber... Now."

He started helping them find footholds an begin climbing before he started as well. He knew he was in trouble. He knew that howl was meant for him. They had sent her, her! The blonde with the mind powers and the wolf girl that she had made her slave. The wolf girl that had no morals and would do anything it seemed.

They pulled themselves up the cliff and within minutes the wolf was upon them. It sniffed at the ground and they started climbing faster. Ben reached the top first and offered help to star who was closer.

Star took his hand and they heard Amber scream as she fell to the ground in front of the wolf. Her leg was bleeding and she dropped with a crack. She screamed in pain and the wolf looked up at Star.

Her eyes pierced through him and she jumped up at the cliff and snapped at his heel narrowly missing him as Ben pulled him up. The wolf glared at him and turned into the beautiful girl in her cloak.

Her attention turned to Amber as she knelt down in front of her. She kept her focus on Star but was looking at Amber, "Well... Aren't you a pretty girl. I know just the place for someone like you..."

Amber flinched away from her touch and she picked her up. "Let go of me!"

"Oh... Pretty girl... Don't you want to be like me and Simon?" She smiled devilishly and started carrying her away as Star jumped down from the cliff.

She stopped when he hit the ground, "I swear you put her down. Right now."

"Why? You got a soft spot for this girl?" She set Amber on her feet roughly and she screamed and dropped.

"Just back off... Now..." He looked angry and he stood between Amber and the girl as Ben scrambled his way down the cliff.

"You're coming with me Simon." She tackled him and her teeth sharpened as she snapped at him and he shoved her off.

"I will kill you first!" He had her throat and her back hit a tree. She slashed at him and his shirt ripped more and cut into his skin.

That was before she turned into an wolf and she caught his arm between her teeth and before the bone snapped there was a sound that made the wolf stiffen and her ears cock back.

Three hooded figures appeared and she edged back and snapped at one of them. Another stabbed at her and she cried out in pain. She ran off like the injured animal she was.

She returned to the blonde and shifted back to her human form clutching her bleeding side. The blonde glared down, "Where is he?!"

The wolf girl gasped, "I-I had him... but I saw them..."

"Them?! Them?! Get over who you used to be Nic! Right now you are, Mine! Do you hear me? Mine! And you will suffer for this mistake..." She looked up in pain with her hand becoming sticky from the thick red blood running out of her side.

"P-please Sara... I won't mess up again I swear. Please Sara don't. Please. I'll go get him. I will, I promise please Sara." She was still kneeling on the ground in front of her. She looked more frightened than she did in pain.

"You. Will. Suffer." her eyes flamed yellow and the wolf girl collapsed and started screaming and writhing in pain.

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