Chapter Ten - The Way

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(Y/N) jumped when she felt the bulky student's presence, leaving everyone around her with a surprised look on their faces. "I-I'm sorry Jotaro..." she said turning around to face him, but looking down. She didn't expect anyone else in the room to understand, knowing that what had happened inside that hotel room, probably stayed inside that hotel room. Jotaro looked down at the girl as well, then, without saying anything, he walked pass her, in his grandfather's direction.

She watched him confusedly as he went to talk to Mr. Joestar. 'Oh God, what have I done?' she thought biting her thumb's nail. When she felt something on her shoulder, (Y/N) moved her head slowly, her eyes meeting Kakyoin's.

He leaned forward a little bit, so the girl could hear him whisper. "(Y/N), are you alright? What happened between the two of you?"

She hesitated. "I-I-I... Of course I am fine!"

Before (Y/N) could answer the other question, the pink haired guy asked another one. "Then why are you stuttering so much?"

"I-I'm not...!"

"Yes you are!" the boy sighed. "And why did you jump when you saw Jotaro behind you?"

That was the hardest question Kakyoin had asked her. (Y/N) couldn't just say she was afraid of Jotaro, no-one had to know that. She thought that this adventure would help her overcome her fear for the bulky student, but all it did was to make her feel even more afraid. Even though Jotaro had said that he would've never hit her, she couldn't be one hundred percent sure of that.

After a long pause, knowing that he wouldn't get an answer, Kakyoin sighed, patting (Y/N) on the head gently. "It's okay if you don't want to answer that... But..." he stopped his sentence for a moment, only to look again at the girl. "There's seriously no reason to be afraid of him!" And with that, Kakyoin walked away to the others, leaving the girl behind.

'No reason to be afraid of him? Are you kidding me?!' (Y/N) cringed. She could easily find, right there, in that moment, more than fifteen reasons why she would've been afraid of Jotaro.


The train was making its way to India. The crusaders were all sitting down on their seats in their wagon. There were two tables right next to eachother, so they could have something to eat on their way. While Polnareff, Avdol and Mr. Joestar were staying at one table, the three students were staying at the other one. (Y/N) was sitting with Kakyoin, right in front of Jotaro, the pink haired guy having the window seat.

The French guy was looking thoughtful through the window. "So we're finally on our way to India... And the man with two right hands is called Centerfold..." That was one of the things Jotaro managed to find from the last Stand user. Polnareff's mood suddenly changed. "By the way, where did Anne run off to?" he asked getting away from the window.

"She was hanging around Singapore Station right before the train departed, but..." Mr. Joestar immediately answered, stopping in the middle of the sentence.

Avdol smiled. "I'm sure it was time for her to meet her father." he assumed.

Polnareff puffed chuckling. "That story about her father sounded really fishy to me. I'm sure she's a runway!" (Y/N) smiled shaking her head as the Frenchman continued. "But it is a bit lonely without that little brat, right Jojo?"

Sighing, the corner of Jotaro's mouth lifted up a little bit. It wasn't fully noticeable, but (Y/N) caught that small smile on his face. She was still feeling bad for what she had said to Jotaro, but she knew they both had to let it go after a while.

Next time, Starboy (Jotaro x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum