When He Proposes

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*You are making you and him both dinner.

*He walks into the room in a suit and asks you to change into something nice.

*You go and change into (Outfit choice).

*You walk out and show him.

"It's magnificent my love..."

*You blush and tell him he looks handsome.

*He takes you to the echo flowers field

*You lay in the flowers with him making a flower crown.

*He looks at you lovingly as you play with the flowers.

*He stands up and you sit up confused.

*You adjust your flower crown so it doesn't fall off.

"(Y/n) you're the love of my life and...  when you first fell so long ago I didn't know what to think. I thought you were just another human... now I know how much more then just 'another human' you are. You're Sweet, Kind, Beautiful, Brave in the face of danger, you're so much more magnificent then I could've ever dreamed! I love you so... will you make me the happiest and luckiest monster in the underground and marry me?"

*You tear up and shout yes a lot.

*He places the ring on your finger.

*You two have a loving kiss.

*Sans sits in a bush partying happily.

*You find sans and chase him all around waterfall.

*He shortcut's away.

*You both head home hand in hand.

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