How you confess

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*You walk up to Grillby who's silently cleaning his glass like many times before.

*He turns and looks at you with a puzzled expression.

"Would you like anything?"

*He said that barely above a whisper you decline and hand him a note.

*He takes the note in your hand placing it into his pocket and continuing working.

~One Day Later~

*You were standing in a field of glow flowers. Your (Hair Length) hair flowing in the wind that echoes through here.

*You see a figure step off of the river persons boat and walk up to you. Realizing it's Grillby you turn around and a blush begins to dance across your face.

"Yes. I would love to court (Date) you"

*You leap into his arms him playing with your hair.

*You tell him you love him.

"I love you too (Y/n) more then the stars in the night sky my dark angel."

*You both head home (You live with Sans and Papyrus).

*You tell him good bye and that you love him.

"I love you too (Y/n).*

*He bends down and you both get locked in a passionate kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he had his resting on your waist.

*When you part you tell each other you love each other one more time and you head inside.

*Papyrus proceeds to gush about how cute of a couple you two make.

*Sans just sit's on the couch with a lenny face.

Grillby x Reader scenario'sWhere stories live. Discover now