The South Wind Sanctuary {2}

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Sharply, you turned, sending the water towards the intruder. You stopped short, however, when the intruder wasn't a person, but a...

"Lemur?" You said, confused.

"LEMUR!" Aang exclaimed.

"Dinner..." Sokka drooled.

"Don't listen to him. You're gonna be my new pet," Aang said.

"Your WHAT?!" You exclaimed.

"Not if I get him first!" Sokka challenged. The both of them proceeded to chase the poor lemur out of the sanctuary. You put the water back in its flask.

"Is it just me, or do they bring out the stupid in each other?" You asked, standing next to Katara.

"They bring out the stupid in each other."
You figured they'd be fine and went off to go look at the statues. Katara went off on the opposite side of you. You stood in front of a Fire Nation Avatar. It may of been a carved stone statue, but something about her features seemed familiar to you. Suddenly, the statues' eyes glowed a bright, light blue and spiraled upwards. All of the statues eyes were now aglow. Both you and Katara had the same thought. You caught up to each other while running out of the sanctuary.

When you caught up with Sokka, Aang was in the Avatar state, a strong cyclone of wind surrounding and protecting him.

"Sokka, what the hell happened?!" You yelled over the wind.

"He found out firebenders killed Gyatso!!" he yelled back.

"Oh no..." Katara trailed off.

"It's his Avatar spirit," you explained, "He must've triggered it!"

"I'm gonna try to calm him down!" Katara said, slowly walking towards him.

"Be careful! He could blow us all off the mountain!" You said, using your water to freeze your feet to the ground. You held onto Sokka as well. It was hard to hear what Katara was saying through the roaring winds. But all it took was a few seconds. Aang slowly descended back to the ground, the whipping air dying down. Aang was still in his Avatar state, but he was calm. The three of you carefully approached him.

"We aren't gonna let anything happen to you," Sokka assured, "Promise." You looked down at Aang's hand and grabbed it. He grabbed yours back, and the glow died down. He collapsed into your arms, but was still conscious.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Well I mean... you didn't kill us, so that's cool, but... don't feel sorry for being sad."

The four of you returned back to the sanctuary. You were standing next to Sokka. A quiet chirp caught all y'all's attention. The lemur reappeared at the entrance, but then skirted over to Sokka, dropping food off at his feet before dipping.

"Oh wow, you have a new friend, Sokka," you said.

"Talk later, eat first," he replied, shoving the fruits into his mouth. You looked at Katara who just shrugged at you. You shook your head lightly and smiled.

'... everyone knows the Avatar has returned.' You thought. You knew you were getting into a world of trouble.

The Agni Kai between Prince Zuko and Admiral Zhou was just beginning. A young girl, only aged 12, entered the arena without fear or hesitation. She stood next to the Fire Nation soldiers.

"Miss Yyn," one of them greeted, slightly surprised to see her. "What brings you here?" Ignoring the sounds of flames and grunting, Yyn spectated the Agni Kai, rather boredly.

"I've caught wind that the Avatar has returned," she replied, "And if the Avatar is alive... then so is my sister."

"Your... sister?" One of them inquired.

"Yes," she replied, "The Fire Nation's second biggest threat. If we kill the avatar, we have to kill her next." The soldiers glanced at each other, knowing exactly who she was talking about. Not bothering to watch any more Yyn turned around.

"Give Zhao my regards," she said before beginning to walk away.

"Yes, Miss Yyn," the one replied nervously.

As the four of you were getting ready to leave the Air Temple, you were helping Katara and Sokka gather your things for the trip.

"Y/n, Katara, Sokka, say hello to the newest member of our family," Aang called. It was the lemur from before. Aang somehow managed to befriend it.

"Hi, Newest Member of Our Family!" You greeted with a wave. Katara lightly nudged you.

"What're you gonna name him?" She asked. The lemur jumped from Aang's arm and snatched the food straight from Sokka's hand before returning to his perch.

"Momo," Aang replied. All of you laughed at Sokka who looked mortified at having his food stolen by a lemur. The four of you no sooner hopped on Appa and flew away from the Air Temple. Aang's old home.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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