Start from the beginning

It was difficult to see things in the dark, but after years of fishing at night before all of Four woke up to catch her illegal act, her eyes have been trained to find movement in dark waters. It was something she was quite proud of, especially when she would come home and show her family what she caught, how they would eat like the rich for an evening, their laughter ringing in her ears. For a short time, their eyes would be bright and their stomachs silent of the gnawing hunger pains. They would sit around their rickety kitchen table, light tall skinny candles, and fry up the fish and crustaceans in a pan, sometimes making a stew with the tesserae rations. Her father would tell them stories about their mother and grandparents, stories long before Cassia or Evelin were born. The edges of the memory was fuzzy; time seemed to do that.

She felt movement at her left.

Cassia pivoted and was mere centimetres from jamming her knife into Griffin's chest. She lowered her arm when he looked at it in amusement.

"What are you doing awake?" She asked, turning back to look at the downhill slope of the valley. There was enough sticks behind her to alert her if anyone were to approach her from behind. They had scattered some as a makeshift alarm system, Cassia's idea.

Griffin shrugged. "Couldn't sleep."

Cassia understood that. Sleep was incredibly important, but with adrenaline running high, it was hard to find rest.

"How did you do it?" He whispered.

Cassia blinked down at the two blondes sleeping by the fire and then to the faint outline of the mountains that seemed to trap them all in the arena. Fish in a barrel, she thought. "Do what?"

"Kill that girl."

Cassia looked at him. "I threw my knife and it landed in her back."

He rolled his eyes. "No, I mean, your training score. . . ."

Her body froze. What does she say to that? What would Finnick do? What would Finnick do. . . . ? "I think they wanted to give other tributes a chance to be the Capitol's favorite," She smirked at him, leaning her body slightly toward him.

Griffin's eyes twinkled. "You think you're the Capitol's favorite?"

He didn't move away from her as Cassia leaned up to whisper in his ear, "I know I am."

The world was watching, her family was watching, Finnick was watching. It was surely night and people would be asleep, but they would do a quick recap in the morning, to show the world what she had done and was doing. What would Finnick think of her actions? Would he think she was playing the right game? Romance surely got sponsors for tributes, it was an angle that made her incredibly uncomfortable, but she needed to win, to stay alive somehow, and perhaps Griffin was her chance at that.

She felt Griffin pull her face away to look into her eyes. She knew he was searching for the truth in her actions, the reason behind her closeness, the drop in her voice. She had no idea how to be seductive, but she assumed it was working, because he let her go and leaned back on the rock.

"It's my turn to watch." It wasn't, but she was incredibly tired, so she left him there, wondering if Finnick would approve of her actions and if Griffin was dumb enough to believe her fake attraction. That night, she slept with her knife close, and a jolt awake every hour to make sure no one was coming to kill her.

A/N: a bit of a shorter chapter but i figured you guys needed an update. i'm so grateful that this story has gotten to 17k reads! that's crazy! i never expected it to blow up so fast, especially with my half assed writing hahaha.

i hope you're all doing well, it's getting super hot where i live which is yucky. i miss fall a lot even though i really like the sun. i just can't seem to win hahahah. what is your favorite weather? mine varies from what mood i'm in but right now i want to wear a cozy sweater and these new boots i got on clearance! and i wanna drink a giant kettle of tea lol. cozy weather is one of the best.

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! it's not very interesting but i promise the next one will be! i have what happens in the arena all mapped out and i'm so excited to share it with you all. thank you so much for reading this story. here is your meme/funny photo (?) not sure what to call it hahah. xx

{my current mood because i say i'm gonna go on a run and then i just

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{my current mood because i say i'm gonna go on a run and then i just. don't. also i found this randomly on pinterest}

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