Kris barely heard him, as she had finally noticed Vincent was already headed toward the reactor, despite shouts from Veld and Zack. She pushed away from Genesis, but he refused to let her go. She didn't bother to try again, but she did yell out to the retreating man. "Vincent, wait!"

He didn't even pause. That caused something foreign to well up within Kris. Part of it was worry, but there was more. She called out again, in a much sterner tone. "I said, stop!"

Genesis finally put her down at that point, and the two Turks plus Rufus had taken a step back. Her voice had been overlaid with another, and the command in her tone was unmistakable. Tseng had seen it before, but that didn't make it any less intimidating.

As for Vincent, he stopped in his tracks before he turned to face her with a frown. His eyes flashed golden for a moment before he spoke. "Why do you order me to stop?"

Kris took a deep breath. "Several reasons. First, you can't handle everything in there alone, and we can't pass those shadows without you. Secondly, you are the only one that can face Nero and his power. You cannot go after Hojo yet."

Vincent's jaw clenched several times before he finally took a few steps back toward the rest of the group. "Then what do you propose?"

Kris felt a whirl of things at that moment. Fear was prevalent, but she was able to cope with determination. "I believe that you can lead us through those globes, as long as we all stay in contact with each other and you."

Genesis made a strangled sound next to her, but it was Zack that objected first. "Kris, what is wrong with you! You can't keep putting yourself in danger. You aren't in the same position you were when we fought our way to Midgar. You can't ignore the fact that you have more than yourself to worry about."

She gritted her teeth and tried not to yell. "You're right. I do have more to worry about. I am also responsible for making sure the monster in that reactor can no longer destroy this planet. I am not ignoring anything."

Genesis grabbed her arm. "You forget that this does not all depend on you. What if there are more of those monsters in there?"

They were all shocked when it was Vincent that answered. "You do not know me, but trust that I have no intention to let any harm come to that woman or her child." He paused as his gaze flicked over to Sephiroth. It was noted, but he didn't allow any questions before he continued. "She is the embodiment of the Goddess. I doubt that makes this any easier for you to hear, but she has a responsibility that is larger than any of us. This is necessary, though I will promise to do all I can to protect her along with you."

Both Genesis and Zack looked like they were ready to hit the man. Zack had already heard enough of the same since they left. The only reason he hadn't acted before was that he realized something bigger was going on. Especially after he comprehended the gunman was the person Kris had told the Turks about. It was one big convoluted mess.

Despite the fact that all the men looked pissy for one reason or another, Kris closed the distance to Vincent. "Do you agree to lead us through?"

Vincent let out a soft sigh. This was more than he had anticipated, but there was also a compulsion from his alter ego to listen to this tiny woman. She held a power under her skin that more than rivaled his own, despite what the others thought of her. He could not have denied her if he wanted to. The goddess was the manifestation of the will of the planet, and all the Weapons had been created by her hand millennia ago.

"Yes. I will ask that you walk in the middle since there is no way to know what we will encounter."

Kris gave him a nod before she turned back to the others. "Now that we have that out of the way, let's go."

None of the men looked happy to comply, but Sephiroth was the first to step forward. "If we are to do this, then allow me to take up the rear guard. Zack, Genesis, and Tseng will follow Vincent, while Rufus, Veld, and I will take up positions behind you." He then looked over at the gunman in question. "Is that acceptable?"

Vincent didn't answer right away. He seemed to be contemplating the man that had spoken to him. Finally, he turned and spoke over his shoulder. "I do not know what to expect either, so don't let go."

Genesis growled at the complete lack of response from anyone to his concerns for his fiancé and their child. Especially from her. Although, he did have to admit, at least to himself, that for such a tiny woman, she certainly had a way of steamrolling her way over whatever she felt was wrong. As he watched her brother fuss over her before she shoved him into his place in line, he had to admit that, as much as the situation frightened him, he was glad to see her closer to herself than he had seen in some time. It was a welcome sight after the horror that she had relived.

He pushed aside those thoughts to better focus on what was to come. He had a feeling that as difficult as the night had been, what they were to face would be no better. He spared one last glance at the sun rising over the lip of the valley before he took up a place directly in front of Kris. If there would be trouble, he wanted to be close at hand to handle it before it ever reached the woman he loved.

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