"Fuck you mean my statement? You mentioned me? I ain't have shit to do with that Keith. Don't put me in your shit" I semi yelled and he got up and jumped at me. I flinched while using the pillow as shield.

"Watch your damn mouth for one, and two you damn right I mentioned you. You was here when I did the shit right? Therefor they were going to find out anyway. Dickhead, are you not familiar with detectives?" He asked me with base in his tone now.

"No! I actually don't, everyone isn't familiar with the system like you" I said without thinking. Before I knew it I felt a sharp pain on the side of my face. I felt it and my cheek bone was bleeding and I seen him away.

"Like I said, get your statement together. You haven't seen me and you damn sure haven't seen her you understand? Selena you better hold up your end of the deal or you'll be in the same situation as Sha'Kyia. I should've kept her alive and killed your ass" He spat before walking up the stairs. I struggled to get up and with all the strength in my body I managed to yell out for some reason.

"They'll find out!! You won't be able to cover your tracks for long" I said and I heard him chuckle.

"I'd like to see the day" He yelled back to me before slamming a door upstairs.

Heaven was sleeping laying in my bed and I was on the edge just sketching. Weed and sketching has been helping me these past weeks. Well weed always helps me so that's not included but the sketching part is new. I hope this doesn't sound weird but I currently was sketching Heaven kind of. Just in case I do have to leave her for whatever reason, I want to have something to remind me of her. I decided to spark the rest of my blunt that I didn't finish. I was thinking heavy at this point. If I do kill this niqqa, will I get caught? I didn't get caught the last time but that's not the point. I was better than that. But seeing my best friend paranoid around me because of some shit he did? It's not sitting well with me, and it's not going to ever sit well with me until he's gone. I took another inhale from my blunt, I cut my eyes up to my bed to see Heaven looking back at me half way sleep. I chuckle and reach my arm out offering the blunt. She did the spider man hand and I laughed will getting up handing it to her. She took a few pills before handing it back to me.

"You good?" I asked her while taking one more than ashing it in the ash tray. I had more so I took out some more, enough for one more blunt.

"Yeah I guess, had a bad dream but I wake up to see you so I'm fine now" she said as she put her hair into a high pony tail. I watched her do so and smiled. I tried not to show her any suspicious action so she won't try to stop my plan before it even started. I took a break from crushing my weed to text Tre to let him know the new moves.

Yo change of plans cuzzo. We gotta get this niqqa TONIGHT

And how you think we'll be able to do that?

Well for one I got weed and you know Heaven like to sleep when she high. So that's when ima do it. It sound stupid?

Not 100% stupid but risky. You sure you don't just wanna do it tomorrow?

Nah I gotta meeting tomorrow with the guy for the other space I'm looking into

Oh yeah. Well I'm with whatever J sleep and you know she sleep with night plugs so I'm good.

Night plugs? 😭

Yeah it's weird, she's mad different but I love her though. We on this now? Want me to pull up or

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