"No, no I don't hear any voices." Peter pressed his hand to my forehead. "Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

I swatted his hand away and sat up and listened for it.

I am real, Vele.  You are not imagining things.

There! It was there again. But who was it? What was really happening? Why was I the only one who could hear the man's voice and not Peter?

The door to the room opened and someone came in. There was a slight wirery hum as a man approached in a wheel chair. He was bald and smiled pleasantly.

"Hey there, doc." Peter said.

"Are you Dr. Charles Xavier?" I asked.

"Yes, indeed I am." he answered me. "And I was the voice in your head."

"So he's what you were hearing in your head." Peter said nodding. "Now I know you're not crazy."


"Sorry." Peter grinned a bit to himself.

"So I am on Earth?" I asked. "This is Earth?"

"Yes, Vele. You are on Earth, where you are safe. No one will harm you here." Dr. Charles Xavier said to me, "I must say though, Vele, you are a remarkable young woman. Your powers are beautiful, the ability to change your skin to become anything shade or texture is very unique."

"You sound just like him." I said, laying back.

"Who, my dear?"

"The Collector," Peter answered, leaning forwards and resting his elbows against his knees.

"Ah yes, The Collector." Dr. Charles Xavier said, nodding. "I can see how my words would sound similar to his."

"Often he spoke to me of how I was safe, that no harm would come to me. Normally that would always take place when he was having me clean the outsides of the tanks or the messes he leaves behind in his work." I said, and Peter made a face.

"You must understand, Vele, that here you truly are safe. The Collector cannot reach you here, even if he managed to sneek his way to Earth we would protect you. There are many of us who are willing to aid in your survival."

"Me included." Peter added, raising his hand.

"Is this all because I am a supposed biological daughter of Thanos?" I asked.

There was no answer from anyone. But I knew it right away, when without their response.

"Solin, you must understand what we are trying to do here. Myself,  Peter, Gamora, Rocket, Drax. We're all trying to help." Dr. Charles Xavier said.

"Don't forget Groot." Peter added.

"And yes, Groot." He corrected.

"Can't forget the big guy." Peter said, grinning from ear to ear.

Dr. Charles Xavier left me so that I could rest my mind. Peter stayed and promised to keep quiet. I let him.

I had this thought,  right before I drifted off. Gamora was my sister. It was a sudden revelation that she was my sister, that we had the same father. Though we were not biologically linked, nor in any way similar, she and I knew it to be true. But I still did not want to believe that Thanos was my actual, biolgical, flesh and blood father. Each time I thought about it my stomach tied in knots and my head began to hurt. I hated it all. 

When I woke again it was brighter in the room ans Peter was gone. I had no memoey of him leaving but it did not mean that he hadn't slipped off while I was asleep.

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