Ten minutes later Coy stood in the bathroom staring at the shower and the bath tub. The tub was a big white iron thing with two knobs and a spout. A table of sorts stretched over its center. The shower was three tiled walls with a glass wall separating it from the room. From the ceiling hung a shiny spout. On one wall was a single knob.

Coy shook her head. She traveled down the hall, and opened the door to Dre and Yars' room.

The pair frowned at her from their snuggle on the bed.

"In the human world you knock on doors before entering." Dre scolded.

"I want to bathe." Coy shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "Help me." Her voice was soft and pleading.

Yar gave Dre a squeeze, kissed his cheek and pushed back from the bed. "Come on, Coy, I'll show you."

It turned out to be a simple quest. First, Yar insisted on removing the tangles of hair. Coy didn't like that. Yar assured her it was necessary. Coy sat on the cold toilet seat; pouting. The task was arduous and mildly painful. When the tangles had been removed the brushing was no longer painful but arduous just the same. Coy didn't like sitting still.

Coy found she thoroughly enjoyed the water that was controlled by her own hand. It was truly too bad they didn't have these showers in nature. Waterfalls were great but the temperature couldn't be controlled.

There was also soaps. They smelled of natural plants but worked better to remove the dirt built up on her skin and scalp.

Yar stayed in the bathroom. It was reassuring to have her there. She answered questions. She smiled at Coy's reaction to the new environment. She was also there to soothe Coy's worries. Coy hadn't liked the shower at first, it was too strange, but Yar instructed her to move slowly under the warm spray.

It turned out there was a proper order to the bathing task. First, the hair must be washed with shampoo and rinsed.  Then conditioner had to be added to the hair. The conditioner had to be worked into the hair and left for five minutes. After the conditioner was rinsed the face was washed. The body was washed from top to bottom.

Yar explained it was extremely important to clean properly in the Fae world where she had been raised.

She helped Coy dry off with the big purple towel. Coy had been dubious at first. The air had always managed to get the job done. But this too was actually pleasant.

Then Yar used a machine that produced hot air to dry Coy's hair. Coy had not liked this. The machine was loud. It blew hair in her eyes. It burned her skin when not moved constantly. It was just unpleasant. Coy was thankful that nature didn't have these machines.

Yar even helped her clean the mess of water from the floors.

When they were finished Coy looked in the mirror. It was her reflection but nothing like she had seen in the still waters of puddles. She looked very similar to the female sentry that had greeted them at the territory edge.

By the time they exited the room, it was almost time to eat dinner. Coy had just enough time to deposit her dirty clothing in the pink room.


Coy woke to the smell of cooking food. Although she didn't know what food was being cooked it smelled mouthwatering. She stretched, flexed her paws and stood. She shook her body.

A knock on the door prompted her to shift to human form. "Um... Come in."

The door opened and Laura entered. She wore completely different clothes than the day before. Her feet were bare. "Good. Your awake." She glanced around the room. "And you already made the bed. Well, breakfast is ready, if you'd like to come down to eat."

Coy shook her head, she didn't mention she hadn't touched the bed. Eating here was complicated. There were too many rules; forks, spoons and knives. Each had its use and holding them was harder than remembering what they were each used for.

"I'm sorry you had such a hard time last night. I promise, more simple this morning. All finger food."

Coy frowned. What is finger food? She glanced down at her fingers.

"Oh, no. I'm sorry, again. It just means things you can eat with your hands." Laura shook her head then sighed. "I keep forgetting you aren't used to our practices. Come eat. You'll find it much easier this morning."

She smiled and left the room. Coy was hungry. She decided to go to the kitchen. If it was complicated she'd just go hunt in wolf form. She couldn't on these people's territory but she could leave and hunt elsewhere.


Bentley ate breakfast and went for a run. He had some things to think about. He had met the alpha and Luna last night. They were nice. But there had been a faint scent clinging to both of them. It was familiar and foreign at the same time. The scent was wild, wolf born. But Bentley hadn't felt comfortable asking about the scent.

There were supposed to be no wolf-born in the state. But he had met a wolf pack just weeks ago. This thought brought the female wolf to mind.

He wondered what she was doing at that moment, hunting, running with her pack, sleeping under the sunlight.

He found he missed her. There was no urge to get in his truck and drive back to the Arkansas Oklahoma border. But there was an ache of loneliness.

As always, if you like the story click the star, add it to your library, share it to your socials, and maybe take a moment to write a small comment letting me know your favorite part.

If by chance you didn't like it, I would be interested to hear what I could do to improve it. So, please, take a moment to leave a comment.

Yeah..... I'm posting on time! I'm happy. 

Lol. It's like a miracle, because Colleen, the weirdest cat in the world, is being very demanding of attention. She is currently curled up on my chest just under my chin making it impossible to type so I'm having to use the voice thing. I don't like the voice thing. But on the plus side — I posted on time.

As always... I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Happy Reading,

WOLF BORN LYCAN 2 (A LITTLE WILD) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now