Chapter 1

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"Nico!" I called. He was my roommate and nothing more... Right?

"What do you want?" He asked, slightly annoyed. He ran his hand through his hair then winced and put them back down at his sides. 

"Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," he snapped. "Now, did you call me in here just to mother me?" 

"No... I was wondering if I should order pizza or something for dinner."

He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "I'm making dinner, Solace. I do every night." He smirked at me. 

Gods, he's hot, I thought to myself.  

Truth be told, I've been in love with the dark, mysterious shadow that I call my roommate since a few months ago. We've been living together for almost a year. Nico looked me up and down then walked back into the kitchen. I returned to watching Grey's Anatomy. Right now, I was going through med school. I wanted to be a surgeon. I liked to point out all the things wrong about the show of surgeons. It drove Nico nuts. I picked up my phone and texted our group chat. 

The Gang

Me: Hey guys, want to make plans tomorrow. 

di Angelo: I'm literally in the kitchen. Why are you texting

Me: There are other people we have to consult when making plans.

di Angelo: Who said I wanted to go?

Me: You're going. 

di Angelo: But why?

Pipes: Would you two stop arguing like your a married couple or something?

Annabeth: *you're 

Pipes: Shut up. 

Persea: I'm down. The usual?

Grover: Only if they enchiladas!

di Angelo: They do. 

Annabeth: I'm in... But only if Piper can learn to spell. 

Pipes: You know what

Jason: I'll be there. 

Hazel: Frank and I will be too. 

di Angelo: I won't. 

Me: Yes, you will. 

Leo: If I don't interrupt then those two will be arguing for hours. Will, go to the kitchen to argue with Nico. See you all tomorrow! 

" I don't wanna go!" yelled Nico from the kitchen. 

"It'll be fun!" I called back laughing. 

"Are you laughing at me?" 


Nico appeared in the door of the living room with a bowl of dough. I was trying to push down my laugh but I gave up and laughed at Nico. He picked up the dough from his bowl and threw it at me. It splattered in my hair and on my t-shirt. "EW!" I shrieked standing up. 

Nico put his hand to his chest. "Are you calling my cooking gross?" 

I stared at him with my mouth hanging open and dough falling onto the floor from my hair. I pointed my finger at him glaring, ready to say something, but the words just wouldn't come to my mouth. He raised his eyebrows at me and adjusted his bowl, waiting for me to say something. 

After a few moments of glaring and finger-pointing, I finally said, "I'm going to go take a shower." and I stormed off to the bathroom. 


When I got out, Nico had dinner ready. He made homemade pizza. I sat at the table and pulled my legs up onto the chair, sitting criss-cross. Nico put a slice of vegetarian pizza on my plate and cheese on his. "Will you please go with me tomorrow?" I asked quietly, not making eye contact. 

He blew his black hair from his face and shrugged. "Sure, if you insist." 

We stayed quiet while we ate. After we were done, I gathered our dishes and put the leftovers away. Since Nico cooked, I cleaned up afterwards. I was doing the dishes and Nico went to go take a shower. For some reason, my brain kept coming back to Nico earlier. 

Why had he winced when he did something simple like running his fingers through his hair? Everything else seemed normal. 

I pushed it out of my mind because Nico works at a homeless shelter and sometimes it can get rough. Yeah, that's it, I thought, just an angry kiddo. 


I finished the dishes and watched more of Grey's Anatomy when Nico came into the living room. His hair was still wet but instead of his black on black on black clothes from the day, he was wearing a grey t-shirt that was loose on his scrawny body and a pair of black sweats. This dude needs some colour in his life. 

"Are you watching that doctor show again?" He asked. 


"But you always point out everything wrong, it's so annoying." He complained. 

"Want me to change it?" I offered. 

Nico thought for a moment and sat down next to me, sitting with his legs under him. "Yeah, I do. Let's watch a horror movie."

I put on Polaroid, it's about a camera that kills people. There were few times Nico near jumped into my lap (not that I would have complained) but most movies didn't scare me so I didn't have a problem with it. 

By the end of the movie, Nico was still shaking. "Are you... Okay, di Angelo?" I asked. 

"I'm fine," he squeaked. I chuckled and he punched my shoulder. "It's not funny, Will!" He said through a smile. 

"Do you need a hug?" I offered. 

"No!" He exclaimed. I raised my eyebrows and he thought for a minute. "Maybe just a little one." 

He scooted over and I wrapped my arms around him. "I take it I shouldn't mention this tomorrow at lunch?" I whispered into his hair. 

"If you do, I'll hurt you," Nico mumbled into my shirt. 

He ended up falling asleep and so did I. Sometimes I wondered if he felt the same, but then pushed those thoughts aside because I didn't want to get my hopes up. I enjoyed what I had and right now, I was living with my crush. Not a lot of people got that so I enjoyed the little moments. 


I woke up the next morning and Nico was already making breakfast. I rubbed my eyes and rolled over but fell off the couch because I forgot I wasn't in my bed. My legs were tangled up in a blanket. That didn't make any sense. I didn't go to sleep with a blanket. 

Nico must have heard me because he called, "Morning, Sleepy! Ready for breakfast?" from the kitchen. 

I sat down at the table and yawned. "Ready for today?" I asked him. 

Nico rolled his eyes. "Don't remind me."

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