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A/n: I'm proud of myself, three updates in less than a week. Holy hell that's an achievement, well what else do you want from me?

Y/N: Soo.. how we going to leave, huh? Did ya think of that smartass?

Reaper: Yes, yes I did, I personally just wanna watch you suffer all the way there, it's just to funny to stop.

Y/N: Yeah, well I for one don't think it is!

Reaper: Well then tell me bout your time here.

Y/N: The whole two days?

Reaper: Yeah, let's here it.

Y/N: Well for starters there was this discriminatory bitchass  called Cardin Winchester.

Reaper: Was?

Y/N: Well, when I caught wind that this prick was harassing a faunus called Velvet, I kicked his ass. Then Oz expelled his ass.

Reaper: That's what I like to hear, after all I expected no less from you. Also bring me to this 'Oz' character would ya?

Y/N: Yeah, don't see why not, after all I got a question for him.

Reaper: Were here by the way.

Y/N: Epic.

You then walked Reaper to this Oz person

Reaper: So you're Oz?

Oz: Yes, yes I am.

Reaper: As in the wizard of Oz or Ozzy Osbourne?

Oz: As in Ozpin.

Reaper: Ok, well Y/N, you're up have fun.

Glynda: And where have you been young man!?

Y/N: I'll get to that. So Oz, who is Salem, and how do you know her?

Glynda: How do-

Ozpin: Long story.

Reaper: I can stop it so we can talk.

Glynda: So that's your semblance?

Reaper: No it's not, fun fact I have an aura I just never activate, the pain thrills me!

Y/N: So like a masochist?

Reaper: No, I get thrilled cuz that means I have found a worthy opponent.

Glynda: Do you truly think so high of yourself?

Reaper: Yes.

Y/N: Back to the question.

Ozpin:{Insert the whole back story}

Y/N: Well shit, we fucked up.

Reaper: The hell you mean man?

Y/N: We just pissed of an immortal being with an army at her command!

Reaper: Immortal, that is the funniest shit I have ever heard.

Glynda: how can you laugh a time like this?

Oz: What was you're name again?

Reaper: Reaper

Glynda: As in the Grim Reaper?


Oz: With you on our-

Reaper: I side with nobody but Y/N! All of you are worthless, pathetic an petty!

A/n: Well that was exciting, also cliffhanger. Soo how is ya'll days goin with this pandemic goin round? Also update on that ranking: from 407 to 350 outta 5.7k in less than 5 days wow. Well that conclude my part. Love ya'll!

Word count:(New record)(402)

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