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(Y/N): Where am I? Asked our hero to no one. Oh yeah, RWBY universe. Wait where the hell is that? Like in the anime? I'll go with that. Said our hero to nobody in particular.

Cut to beacon with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz- Oh wait just Ozpin

Oz: Ruby, I need your team to investigate a increase in random energy signatures in the Emerald Forest, Don't worry you'll be monitored just in case.

Ruby: Okay! When do we leave?

Oz: Now. If you return with a success i'll give you a cookie.

Ruby: Yes!

Cut to (Y/N) our hero

(Y/N): Now where am I? He said to nobody.

A Grimm, a Beowulf, snuck up on our unaware hero.

(Y/N): Where is that growling coming from? Oh, shi-

Beowulf pounces at (Y/N). 

(Y/N) unconsciously activates his semblance.

(Y/N): Not gonna question this new upgrade. Proceeds to slice and stab the Beowulf like a pro dark souls player.

More and more Grimm approach, all in a swarm almost wave-like fashion slowly surrounding our 'hero'. 

But like the badass you are, you cut through them without hesitation, problems, or resistance. All while not running out of stamina.

Cut to bullhead with team RWBY

Ruby: Come on guys! It's just a quick search and possibly rescue mission!

WBY: It's not that, it's the endless horde that's gathered/gathering in the center!

Ruby: What hor- oh that one. Wait there's someone in the middle of that horde!

WBY: No there's no- yes there is! 

RWBY: We gotta save him!

Yang: Yeah, but look at how effortlessly he's cutting through them! 

Cut to Oz and Glynda watching the footage

Glynda: How is someone that skilled that they can cut through Grimm like a hot knife through butter?

Oz: I don't know...

Glynda: He could pose a major threat to us!

Oz: Or a useful ally...

Cut to our hero

(Y/N): Finally, that's all of them. Phew, I was getting bored there for a second.

???: Impressive.

???: Understatement of the year.

???: Hey there hottie~

???: Ohmygoshthatwasawsome!what'syourweponandcaniweildit!

Blake: Don't mind her, i'm Blake.

Weiss: And i'm We-

(Y/N): Weiss Schnee, sister to Winter Schnee,  I know and don't care.

Yang: I'm Yang Ruby's older sister

Ruby: Hey, sorry about earlier, i'm just a weapon fanatic. I'm Ruby Rose!

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N).

A/N: Up next 'Meeting Ozpin', I know i suck at writing fight scenes so criticize all you want. I'll be in my corner if you need me. 

Off in the distance: HehhehhahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! What don't ignore me!!! Get back in my head disembodied voice!! No, I didn't mean it.

Aaaanny ways... see y'all later.

(Word count: 402)

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