The light In the Tunnel

Start from the beginning

Alexa: I am not leaving your side. I am going to help you get through this no matter what because a women always stands by her man. 

Scott puts his arm around Lexi and pulls her in for a side hug as he kisses her forehead. He looks down at the US title again. He throws the Title into the trash can before walking into the kitchen to make some breakfast but he is stopped by Alexa who grabbed the championship. 

Alexa: Scott, why would you throw this away? I know how much it means to you to win this championship. 

Scott: Every time I look at that belt it reminds me of last night. It reminds me that I couldn't be there for her. I can't  look at it with out seeing her face. I will never get to see her smile again or get one of her world famous hugs. My greatest Achievement in wrestling is connected to the worst night of my life. I think when I get back I am going to relinquish it because I don't know if I can carry that. 

Alexa: Why would you relinquish it? That doesn't make any sense.  you are letting your emotions get the best of you. I say you take this Championship and be the fighting champion that we both know you are! 

Scott: That's the thing Alexa, I don't know if I have any fight left in me. 

Alexa: Are you kidding me? You know that's not true. *Holds out the championship to Scott* I want you to take this belt and keep your mothers memory alive. Become the greatest United States Champion of all time. Your mother did not raise you to be a quitter and I am not going to let you do it now. 

Scott: *Grabs the Title* She watched me fight so hard to get where I'm at and I am going to throw it all away? You'r right Lexi, Thank you. 

Scott puts the Championship in his bag and then puts his arm around Alexa before the both of them head to the kitchen to make breakfast. 

~3 days later~

A few of the WWE Superstars showed up to the funeral to support Scott in his darkest hour. They all went back to Scott's mansion like house  that is located right outside of Indianapolis to have a celebration of life cook out. 

Scott turned on the hot tub for people to enjoy while he was cooking on the grill

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Scott turned on the hot tub for people to enjoy while he was cooking on the grill. A J and Finn were talking to Scott while Alexa was over talking to Becky and Charlotte. 

AJ: That was a beautiful Service. She would have loved it. 

Scott: Thanks. 

Finn: How are you holding up? I couldn't imagine the pain you must be feeling right now

Scott: It is defiantly hard. everywhere I look I see her. There are a lot of time that I can barely pull myself out of bed. 

Finn: At least you have Alexis for support. 

ScottAlexis has been my rock and she keeps me sane through all of this. I don't think I would ever have been able to get by with out her. I was actually going to relinquish the title when I got back but she talked me out of it. 

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