"Yep, woke up to eat, get changed and go then fell asleep at half 11" Joe said nodding towards the sleeping child on his shoulder.

"Bless her, she could sleep with us tonight, you can show her her room when she wakes up and is fully awake rather than sleepy like now" Dianne said stroking her daughter's cheek gently.

"Yeah, do you think she'll like it?"

"I think she'll love it Joseph"


The next morning they were both woken up by someone crawling on the bed.

"What you doing baby?" Joe asked even though he knew she had probably fully woken up at 4am because of jetlag.

"I was just going to de toilet, I dibn't mean to wake you" She said sounding like she was going to cry "am I in trouble?" Her voice shook she hated being in trouble.

"Of course not sweetie, you just needed the toilet do you want me to come?"

"No, I a big girl I can do it" she jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom. Joe turned over in bed to face Dianne again wrapping his arms around her waist, his hand wresting on her belly. "Morning Joseph"

"Baby go back to sleep it's 4am" Joe yawned.

"You know I have jet lag too, I'm fully awake now" she laughed rolling over to face him. "You can sleep though, me and Lillie can find something to do and when your up we can show Lills her room" Dianne said kissing him softly.

"Hmmm okay" Joe closed his eyes again and slowly drifted off back to sleep.

"Mummy, your awake!" Lillie said going round to her side of the bed.

"I am sweetie what do you wanna do for a few hours until this one wakes up and we can eat and you can see your room"

"Wait my room done!?" Lillie's smile grew wide across her face.

"Yeah it is, but Joey wants to be up to show you so we gotta wait okay"


"Right what do you wanna do baby we have mummy Lillie time for a bit"

"Can we snuggle with food and tv wike we used to?"

"Of course honey I miss that"

"Me too, and can we have shocolate?" Lillie smirked.

"I guess so" Dianne smiled picking her up and carrying her downstairs. They sat on the sofa under a blanket and got some maltesers whilst putting Finding Nemo on the tv.


"Yes sweetheart"

"Is Joey always gonna be wiv us"

"For a long time if not forever yes, why you asking"

"Because no one hat ever actwaully wanted me of your boyfwends before, and I wuv joey, I don't want him to go away becwause he doesn't want me" she said cuddling into her mum's chest more.

"Awww baby of course he's going to stay, he loves you so much, and so do I so remember that, that we both love you more than you could ever imagine"

"I wuv you too mummy"


About 3 hours later Joe came down the stairs in his dressing gown, and his hair all messy, smiling at the two girls cuddled up on the sofa. "Can I join?"

"Joey! Your awake!"

"I am baby, how's your mummy time been"

"Good we watched finding nemo and beauty and the beast, and they did the waftzy in it, wike what you and mummy did but dey did a wift and mummy said you can't do wifts in waftzes" Lillie rambled as Joe said down next to them kissing them both on the head.

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