Ch.11: Camping Trip

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*After the days the girls were gone,Im lazy okay, and yes I thought the Spongebob pic was appropriate*

(Y/n) POV:

We were eating breakfast as Mr. and Mrs. Handler were talking about chores, like always. My bruises went away, which is good. I then remembered that the girls are coming back from their suspension, which probably means that they would want to hang out with me. Not looking forward to it, once we were done, I help clean the table with Mrs. Handler, while Mr. Handler talked to Will and Bailey about something.

Once thats was done, we went outside to do the chores. While we were doing them, Will and Bailey talked about some camping trip. "Once we get these chores done and when the others arrive, were going to tell them about the camping trip," Will said. "Sounds good," Bailey said as we continued to work. 'I better bring own tent, I ain't sharing,' I thought.

Once we were done, we left the horses in the corral to let them run around. We went back to the house to have some lunch, as Will and Bailey kept on talking about the plans. We got our lunch and began to eat as they kept on talking, 'Do these two ever shut up?' I thought as I ate.

Once we were done eating, we saw the others cars pull up. As always, Will and Bailey went to go greet them, while I just went over to the corral, to look at the horses. I rest my arms on the fence, and look at the horses eating some grass. I felt something on my leg and looked down to see Cubby and with him,were Shep, Angora and Teeny. I giggled and pick Cubby up, who began to lick my face. "Nice puppy," I said to him and set him back down and pet Shep, Angora and Teeny.

"You guys, are really cute," I said as I pet them. I stopped petting them, when I heard footsteps coming over my way. I look to see the others coming over, I really didn't feel like hanging out with them or in general. So I went back to staring at the horses.

"Hi (Y/n)," I heard the girls say, I didn't look at them, but gave them a wave. "Okay now, that were all here, we have an announcement to make and it about us going camping tomorrow," Will said to us. The girls got excited about it, I didn't really cared that much. I mean, I went camping thousands of times, learning how to survive in the wilds with my family. Mostly my cousins, because were always in the mood for something, like fighting or hunting.((A/n) Your a fucking Badass in this story and Im pretty sure you guys are badass irl)

"Yup, we're all going camping, and we will have our own part to do, Im pretty sure we dont want anything bad happening like that one time," Bailey said. The twins laugh nervously, 'The fuck they do, start a fire or something?' I thought ((A/n)Yes, yes they did).

"Tomorrow, I'll tell who gets what job, who with who for sleeping arrangements," Will said. After that, we saddle up our horses, for jumping practices. We all did our turn, and after an hour or 2 of that, ((A/n) you guys had small breaks for the horses), we went to do our own thing. I went ahead and groom (H/n) and have some small talk with her.

"We're going camping tomorrow girl, and I dont want to share a tent with anyone tho, so Im bringing my own," I said to her. She neighs at me, "Yea, mostly because I know they might want to talk, which I don't want to deal with," I said to her. We continue to talk until I was done grooming her.

I then decided to go to the house and just do whatever I want in my room. I go inside and was about to go to my room when I was stop by someone or...people. I turn to see who called me and see Sarah, Molly, Alma, Nani, and the twins along with Will and Bailey walking behind them.

"Do you want to hang out with us, were also going to talk about what to bring tomorrow," Molly asked me. They all looked like they were hoping that I would. I didn't felt like hanging out with them and I already know what to bring, so whats the point?

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