Ch.6: Found

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(Y/n) POV:

I was still sleeping, when I felt something nudge my head. I open my eyes to see (H/n) trying to wake me up, "Okay, Okay, Im up," I said to her and yawns as I streched out my body. I got up and looked over at (H/n), was already standing up. I walked over to her and pet her muzzle.

"Hey, good morning girl, how did you sleep last night?" I asked her, she nod and neighed, then nibbled my hair a little, as if she was asking me if I slept well. "I slept okay, I kinda wished I was in a bed though, but you were comfortable to sleep against," I told her, she let out a neighed like she was laughing at my response. I giggled and looked outside of the cave, the sun was rising, "Man I wonder what time it is, maybe 7 or 8," I said to (H/n) as we walked out of the cave. " Eh, I dont care, as long as we find our way back to horseland, then Ill get to sleep as much as I want," I said to her as I hop on her.

"In the mean time, we should find so food, I bet your hungry," I said to her and she neighed in agreement. We went out the cave and made our way down the trail. We looked around for what felt like 3 hrs, to see if there was any bush berries or apple trees, but have found nothing yet. I kept on looking around and noticed a clear view up ahead and went towards it. There we made it out of the forest and into a meadow with a river. ((A/N) i couldn't find a good pic)

"Look, water, thank god," I said to her as I get off and ran to the river. I bent down, cupped my hands together to drink. I felt the nice cool feeling of the water go down my thoart and it felt great. "Ah, refreshing, come drink some water girl," I said to her as she came up next to me and began to drink. I looked around and saw a apple tree near the river. "APPLES," I yelled excitedly to (H/n), we ran to the tree. I climbed up and got an apple for (H/n) and one for me.

"Here you go," I said to her as she ate the apple out of my hand, I sat down and began to eat my apple. Once I was finished, I layed down on the grass and looked up at the sky and saw the sun up in the sky, 'It might be noon, pretty soon ((A/n) hey it rhymes),' I thought and looked over at (H/n) to see her eatting some grass. "Hey girl, I'm gonna take a quick nap and then we'll find our way back, you can do want you want in the mean time, okay," I said to her and she neighed at me. I closed my eyes and slowly felt myself falling to sleep.

Wills POV:

I woke up to Jimber neighing at me, I sat up and looked over to him, then at the sky. It was almost noon! "Oh no, we over slept," I said and hopped on on Jimber. "Come on boy, we have to find them," I said to him as we ran up a trail.

"Okay, so we checked almost everywhere last night, but still we haven't found yet, maybe we should head into the forest?" I said to Jimber as we went into the forest and looked for them. I was just about to tell Jimber to turn back, until I saw a cave and made our way towards it. I looked inside the cave and saw a camp fire which was burnt out, I got off Jimber to take a good look at it. I touched the wood to see how long its been here, the wood felt cool like it was made last night. "I think we're on the right trail," I said to Jimber, he neighed at me and sniffed the air, "What is it boy?" I asked as he sniffed the ground. Jimber nod his head down the trail and there we saw some horse hoof prints.

"This must be (H/n) prints, we have to follow it, lets go boy," I said to Jimber as I hopped on him. We followed the prints to a meadow with a river, we stop and looked around, there I saw a horse eatting some grass, a apple tree, "Wait, a horse?" I said to Jimber and made our way towards it. Once, we were closed enough, I took a good looked at it, it was (H/n), "(H/n), there you are girl," I said to her and got off Jimber. I pet her mane, "Glad to see your okay, but where's (Y/n)?" I asked her, she turn to her left and nod her head, I looked and saw (Y/n) sleeping peacefully there's not a care in the world ((A/n) must be nice). I went towards her and sat down next to her, I move some of her hair out of her face and smiled at her sleeping form.

Horseland: Will x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя