Ch.9: Apologise

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(Y/n) POV:

Alma and I havent spoken a word to each other, which was fine, but if she tries anything, Ill make sure to leave her ass behind. We looked around to find some tracks that can lead us to them, but still nothing.

We kept walking, but stop to see a big log in our way. "Now what are we going to do?" Alma asked as she crossed her arms, "Are you that much of an idiot?, by jumping, of course, come (H/n), you can do it," I said as (H/n) began to run, which caught Alma off guard and wrapped arms around my stomach, (H/n) jumpes over the log and lands, which made Alma grabbed me tighter, I hissed at her action.

"Hey look we made it," she says to me, "Great, now let go," I said to her, she does so and I rubbed my side. We kept on going in silences looking for tracks, I didn't pull out my phone because I feel like Alma might try to make me drop it, so I look up at the sky,((A/N) okay Idk why I forget yalls phone, but hey now I remember, I might forget from time to time tho) we had the picnic at noon and now its probably 2, 'Fucking hell please let us find some tracks,' I thought to myself, until finally I spoted some.

'Thank god, we found some,' I thought, "Tracks," I said to Alma as we both got off (H/n) to take a good look at them. "Do they have horseshoes, there are some wild horses out here," Alma said to me, "Thanks for the tip, and yes theses do have horseshoes, lets follow them," I said to her as we hop on (H/n), I grunted as I tried to get up. Alma looked at me with a face saying 'hurry up', she saw me struggled abit and help me up. I hissed and rubbed my stomach.

"Are you okay?" Alma asked me with... concern!?, "Fine, whats with you being concern for me, you and your little fucking friends literally jump me," I said to her. "Thats because your so confident about everything and lets not forget you threatened us yesterday," she said to me, I sighed, "I threaten you yesterday because you think that Im just a confident smart mouth nobody with no friends, to be honest I never really had any friends before in my life, all I have is (H/n) to talk to, who is the only one to really understand me, she knew how my life was in school all the the kids called me names like that, which is why when you guys glare at me it doesn't bother me at all, Im use to it," I said to her as we followed the trail.

Alma stayed quiet for a few moments, until she said the one thing that I thought I would ever hear her say......"Im sorry," she said to me. I eyes widen abit, "W-What?" I asked her, "I said Im sorry, Im sorry that we did that to you, I judged you before getting to know you, maybe when we find the horses and get back to horseland, we can start over, how does that sound?" She asked me. I was shocked, I had a small smile on my face, "Yea and Im sorry too,...also Im not that confident about everything...," I said to her as we came to a stop.

We looked to see the horses all safe and sound eating grass, "We did it we found them," Alma said as she hopped down from (H/n) and ran to Button. "Button, your okay mija," she said as she hugged her, "Alma come on, we need to get back to the others," I said to her with a small smile, "Okay," as she hopped on Button, 'Shes letting her on, thats good,' I thought as we went back down the trail to where we came from with the horse.

Wills POV:

We have been searching for the horses for 2 hours and still no signed of them, 'I hope (Y/n) is doing okay...,' I thought as we kept looking. "I can't believe that we havent found them yet, and its all because of (Y/n)," Chloe said, I was starting to get mad, "Don't you talk about her like that, its not her fault you don't know what shes been through, lets head back to see if the others found them," I said to her as we headed back, "Yea right, she is such a terrible person, she curses alot, she threaten us, and her confidence is way to over the roof, she should have never came here," she said to me, now I'm really mad.

"Chloe shut the fuck, you never went this far when someone new comes here, so stop or you will be expelled!!" I yelled at her, she had a frightened look on her face, but I didn't care, we stayed silence all the way back.

Horseland: Will x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz