Ch.4: The Twins

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(Y/n) POV:

I stared at my symbol for a few more seconds, then looked at Will, who was already staring at me smiling. He then realize what he was doing and quickly looked away and cleared his throat, "So...umm.. the others, will be here soon, do you want to go get some lunch?" he asked me, I nod, "Sure," I said and then walked to the main house to get lunch.

When we got there, we saw Bailey there eating a sandwitch, I went to get mine as Will did the same. I was about go sit by myself, when Will grabbed my hand, "Oh no you don't, your sitting with us," he said as he dragged me to sit with him and Bailey. When I sat down, I felt awkward, I mean I haven't eaten lunch with anyone before, 'I probably won't get used to this,' I thought and awkwardly ate my sandwitch. 

"So (Y/n), how are you liking horseland, so far?" Bailey asked, I looked over at him then looked at Will, who gave a slight nod, telling me that its okay, I looked back at Bailey, "Its okay, so far," I said to him. He then smiled at me, "Thats good, we want to make sure that you feel right at home here," he said. I gave a small smile and nod my head, then continue to eat. Will and Bailey started to talk about something a competition thats happening next month, but Im not really interested in listening to that. After lunch, we went outside and saw the others car pull up.

Will and Bailey went to go greet them, while I on the other hand didn't and went to the barn to go get (H/n) saddled up. I was putting the saddle on her, when Sarah came over to me, I rolled my eyes and just ignored her and continued to do what I was doing.

"Hey (Y/n), hows your day going so far?" she asked me smiling, I just looked at her with a 'Leave me the fuck alone,' face and rolled my eyes at her, but she wasn't leaving without an answer. "Come on, I want to know how your doing," she said, I sighed and nod, "Fine," I said in a quiet mumble. She then smiled, "Thats great, what to hang out later?" she asked, "No," I said to her, "Please we can talk and get to know each other," she said, I gave her a cold glare and got on (H/n). "No means no, don't asked me again," I said and gave a slight kick to (H/n) to let her start walking. 'I don't want to open up as much as I already have,' I thought.

I gave one last look at Sarah, she seem abit sad, but then had a look of determination on her face. 'Shes not going to give up, is she?' I thought. I look forward and went into the arena, I waited with (H/n) as the others came with their horses. The twins took there place to the left of me amd Sarah on my right, Will was in front of us, riding Jimber, "Okay guys today will be doing some practice on jumping. Who would like to go first?" he asked. The twins looked each other and snickered.

"How about (Y/n) goes first," Zoey said , Chloe nod, "Yea, she is new after all," she said as they both looked at me. 'What are they planning,' I thought and let (H/n) start walking forward. We stop and waited to see how high of a jump it was. It was 2 ft of a jump, which was an average jump for a horse. "Hey, like can you hurry up and jump already," Chloe said impatiently, "Maybe shes too scared to even do it," Zoey said to her twin. I rolled my eyes at them and gave (H/n) a light kick to let her know that she can start running.

She started to run and jump over the jump post and ran to the next one. It was a little more higher than the first one, but we manage to jump over it. We did 2 more, then saw the last post, it was a hedge, I looked at (H/n) and she looked at me knowing that we can do this and she started to run faster to the hedge and jumped over the hedge with ease.

We walked back to the others, who were shocked mostly the twins, I looked at them and smirks, they both glared at me, but I wasn't phased by them, I was used to it anyways. The others did their turn and we kept practicing for a while, when it turn 5 did our own stuff for the remainder of the time. 

I went to put (H/n) in her stable to groom her and was about to take off the saddle, when the twins came over to me. 'What in the actual fucking hell do these shitheads want,' I thought and looked at them with annoyance, "You know no one here likes you here, you don't belong here anyways," Chloe said to me as she flip her hair with a smirk on her face, "Yea, we all talk to everyone and they agreed that they don't want you here, your just gone have to leave and never come back," Zoey added.

I looked at them and shrugged and went hopped on (H/n), I looked at them, "I can tell your lying," I said, they looked faked a shocked look, "What do you mean were only telling you the truth," Zoey said, "You two are the most dumbest bitches I have ever met," I said as the others came in. They must have heard me say that to them.

 "Hey you can't say that, just who do you think you are," Molly said to me as Alma, Nani and the twins nod in agreement, Bailey and Sarah just kept quiet and just looked at me, Will walked over to me. "Hey is everything okay?" he asked me, "Clearly not, these two cunt are saying how everyone doesn't want me here and so thats why I called them that and if were being honest here, I didn't really wanted to come here in the fucking first place, so I'll be taking me leave so, bye," I said and gave a light kick at (H/n) and she started to run. I heard Will calling out to me, but I ignored him and we just kept going, running out to the exit and on to a random trail.

Wills POV:

I watch (Y/n) and (H/n) run away and turn back to look at the others, "What did you two do?!" I said to the twins. " Well we just told her that, she should just leave," Zoey said, "Yea, I mean lets all be totally honest here, she doesn't really belong here, she doesn't talk to any one and she looked way to confident when she was jumping and the way she gave us that look when she was done, she too much for this place to handel," Chloe added. I looked at the others to see that Molly, Alma, and Nani nod in agreement.

"Their right, Will, she even called them the B-word((A/N) what kinda little kid are ya) I mean who does that?" Alma said, ((A/n) every fucking one) "I agree, thats not very lady like," Nani added ((A/n) I don't give a fuck if Im not acting lady like). I stared at them in shocked, 'Who cares about that,' I thought, "Hey so what if she was confident, its good to be confident anyways," Bailey said to them, " Yea, we haven't gotten to know her yet," Sarah added. The twins didn't seem to care that much.

"So, she called us a that mean word, why should we get to know her," Chloe said as Zoey nod. I couldn't take it anymore, "WHO GIVE A FUCK IF SHE CALLED YOU TWO BITCHES," I yelled out and everyone gasp at what I just said, "SHE CALLED YOU THAT SO SHE COULD DEFEND HER SELF AND NOW THAT SHE LEFT SHE COULD BE IN DANGER!!!" I added ran to Jimber and saddle him up. "Im going to go look for her since she has only opened up to me only," I said as I hopped on Jimber. "You guys can go home and think about what you giys think of her," I said and rode off on to the trail she went on.

3rd POV:

As the others watched Will ride off, Chloe and Zoey shrugged and decided to wait for their ride to show up. "You two really are something, you know that," Bailey said to the twins, "So, what we said was true and besides you heard her," Zoey said as Chloe nod, " Yea, she said that she didn't wanted to come here, so she better off not being here," she said. "So, we all could get to know her, before we start judging her," Sarah said to them. "But what about her cursing them out?" Molly said as Alma and Nani nod, "Yea I mean, she might curse us out too," Alma said, "So that might have happen because she was trying to defend her self, like Will said," Bailey said as cars started to pull up.

They look up at the sky seeing that its about to be sun down. Bailey look at them as did Sarah. "You guys, better think about on how to apologise to her and on how you all think of her, either you get to know her or don't," he said to them as the others get to their cars. Sarah look at Bailey, "I hope Will finds her," she said to him, "Yea, me too," he said as Sarah went into her car. 'Lets hope for the best tomorrow,' Baily thought and went into the main house to turn in for the night.

As Will was riding all he could think about was you and was starting to worry if you have gotten hurt. 'Please be okay (Y/n)...Please,' was all he thought and continued to look for you.

(A/N) hey guys, sorry if it took so long for me to update. I was letting my brother use the laptop of his hw and he didn't give it back until the next night and was letting it charge. Then when I was working on the story he asked for it again so I decided to finish it on my phone. But I hope your enjoying it so far and please comment, vote and hey if you like it that much put it in your library for more updates. Again sorry for the long ass wait and I am so sorry if the chapter is short. Im starting to work on the next chapter so please keep that in mind and yea. See ya later my little pups~♡♡

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