Final Days On Vacation

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Sebastian POV

“Who’s ready to go whale watching?!" I smiled at the kids and they all looked at me like what I said piqued their interest. 

“I’m so ready, pop.” Caleb said as he was smiling and went back to talking to Ronnie. Those two are practically inseparable. 

“Well go get your swim stuff on, chances of getting wet are high according to the brochure. “ They ran out of the dining area like a bunch of stampeding bulls. 

I was aching all over, I’m surprised the kids haven’t noticed Weston and Liam more than any of the adults were moaning and groaning in pain. We’ve been mating without rest and we’re all hurting but we don’t care. We’re complete.

Liam though I have to say is the happiest and proud one, his body now has marks from us, all covered the marks Nikolai left on him so to see him smile when he sees one of our marks instead, it's beautiful is all I'm trying to say. 

After everyone was ready and in the truck, we found it best to tell the kids there was more to the whale watching. 

“Kids, we have more to tell you about everything we’re doing to do. We’re going whale watching but it’s going to take us to an inactive volcano.” The boys looked overjoyed but Taylor and the ladies looked mortified. 

“But before we do that, we’re going back to the beach.” Weston said, giving me the 'look at what you did’ look and I shrugged. 

So much for teasing the girls. I used to do that all the time when I was younger. 

“Aww…” The boys whined and I chuckled. 

When we got to the beach we set up the towels and umbrellas. The kids wasted no time in going to the water and I was happy to sit and relax, I'm so exhausted but this trip is worth it. 

"Are you doing ok?" Adler asked as he rubbed my shoulder as he sat beside me.

"I'm wonderful, just tired but it's definitely worth it. How are you doing, you not even two weeks ago found out about me, my race and now you have four mates, are you doing ok with that?" I asked and he smiled, looking out at the water where Liam, Thayne, and Weston were playing with the kids.

"It is not what I expected but I wouldn't change it for the world. When I met you in the hospital I felt nervous and happy at the same time than when you brought me home and I met Liam, I felt horrible for already falling for you because I thought you were married to him and you know I didn't want to come in between you two so when you told me I'm your mate and then meeting Thayne and Weston and after what we did for two days, I'm more than ok with it, I can’t imagine my life without you four in it." He said and I kissed him and held him close to me as we watched our family. 

"I can't wait to introduce you to my family. I wish you could meet my daddy though. He would have loved you all." I said and felt the pain of his death again, I never really did have much time to mourn his death, I went to the funeral and I left after and was home for two days before his funeral and then I went on missions and saved others, meeting Liam, bonding with him and as the last year happened, I just didn't have the time to let myself feel it. 

"What was he like?" Adler asked and looked up at me. 

"Oh, he was an amazing dad and man. His heart was so big and held so much love for the people in his life. He adopted my older siblings, four boys when they were teenagers, made sure their dreams came true and ours also. He put everyone else before him, Liam reminds me so much of him it's unbelievable how much they are alike. He trained me from when I was ten, he is the reason I joined the Marines, he sort of adopted Thayne when he stumbled into our lives years ago, he helped Thayne with his boxing. He put a small ring in the backyard, got Thayne a trainer and he even watched videos so he can help train Thayne. He um he died, saving me." I was having trouble getting my words out, to chocked up thinking of how selfless daddy was. 

Be True To Yourself...Book 1 of the Silver Moon Shifter Series Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz